Friday, July 29, 2005

After I made my last post

Lonely (Forét)
Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
I prayed, and I begged God to forgive me. And while I was praying, I got all shivery, and I knew he came back. Lately things have been very quiet.

There are weird things in the air -- everywhere. I'm keenly aware of how unstable I feel with both people and situations. I am always prepared for rejection and am extremely sensitive to my family and friends. But even thought this might sound so cliché, God made things feel better.

Now I just have to wait and go back into the mode of really trying to stand by what I believe.

Thank you thank you God for caring about me.


Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
Something feels off-centered right now. Not just with myself, but with everyone I love. I am unsure what's happening, but as always, I feel worried.

I need to ignore these thoughts, even if they are real, becuase I find that often I catch onto something that's there, but much tinier than I imagine. I need to "turn off" some of this perception and focus on what actually exists.

I realize that since this house thing has happened, I have been sliding away from God -- even despite the fact that he's answered every prayer we've made.

Yesterday, I had two dirty conversations (and I'm not referring to ours Colin) with people that pull me away from Godly behavior. I want to stop being attracted away from God. I want to be able to stay strong for more than a week at a time. I feel like smoking is contributing to this.

I am going to read the Bible and pray after this. I continuly notice that when I'm close to God, I am so much happier. When I'm not, these sinking feelings come upon me.

More than anything, I want to do what's right and be a good person. I feel often like I'm not and I want to get better at being firm in my beliefs and to not give into temptations that compromise what I hold to be right.

I am sorry that these posts are so heavy and deep. I would like my blog to be light and carefree again, but becuase I'm so far away, sometimes this feels like my only outlet.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

They went for our counter offer.

They gave us all the credit we asked for.
So basically, we're on our way to a mid-August settlement with plans to move in the first week of September.

I feel paralyzed today.

It's 2:17 AM

Someone's 2AM Shot
Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
and I can't sleep. Mike is beside me in bed, very soundly sleeping -- snoring slightly.

I don't know if it's the fact that I took a nap today or if it's stress or if it's that I have this dark, sinking feeling right now, but I can't sleep.

Here's what's making me feel bothered:

A CD: ___________________________________
There's a CD that Jessica gave to Mike that's from This American Life (he loves that show). On our way out to dinner tonight for my mom's birthday, we started talking about Hands on a Hardbody (one of my favorite documentaries ever), and the CD from Jessica happened to have an interview from one of the winners of the contest. In trying to find it, we stumbled upon a section of the CD that was talking about this radio program where people would call in and (literally) apologize to an answering machine. The apologies were played on the air.

The first few were really sad. One guy was apologizing because when his mother was bedridden and dying, he didn't have a job, so he would "charge" her for things she needed. $5 for a glass of water. $10 for a sandwhich etc. Then, she died and he never got to apologize.

Another call was from a 16 year old who committed crime after crime and admitted them all (stealing, firestarting, flooding and destroying buildings etc. etc.) and apologized for them.

But it was the last one that I was most bothered by.A man that started out by saying in a slightly cracking voice "I've never admitted this to anyone besides my shrink, but I accidentally killed my..." and my dad, who'd listened to the CD, said "Ana, switch it. Your mother can't handle this one".

I was bothered by it all night. And when we got home, I told Mike about it. He had listened the CD a long time ago, knew exactly what I was refering to, and told me not to ask about it. That it was something he wished he hadn't heard.

So of course, at first I thought it was about a dog or a cat. Then I realized that the only thing I couldn't handle and the thing I wouldn't want to know that the man did, was to kill his own child. And so what became of my feelings, within this assumption, was a dark sadness and I never actually confirmed it or heard the man's remorse.

THE ONION: ___________________________________
Mike and I adore the Onion, and when Ana got him the 3 book set for his birthday, we immediately began laughing. Before bed tonight I started flipping through it and seemed to find only the entries that were not funny, but grotesquely sad to me. The first one was about Columbine and it was written 4 months after the shooting. It was about how the school was "returning to normal" and the jocks were making fun of the goths again...slowly but surely. But mixed with the joking were the "real facts" and I found it to be not only not funny, but terribly sad that anyone could feel THAT disconnected from the tragedy of it all.

Then I found another one about the Jon Bonet Ramsey case titled "Don't worry about me, I'm in heaven and all these little angels are flying around." The reaction for me was the same -- BUT STRONGER. When that case came out in the news, it was devestating to me. Any story involving children destroys me inside. And I'm so bothered by the disregard for this, I feel unsteady. I feel sickened by the fact that this sort of thing can ever be funny. It's not to me. At all.

THE WAITRESS: ___________________________________
For breakfast, we went to Perkins (my mom's birthday from my grandmother) and the waitress was really slow and she was forgetting things and not asking us if we needed anything, and I got irritated with her becuase we were her biggest table. She was young, but as a former waitress, I learned a few things during my brief stint. So she came over and I said "I had to get syrup from someone else and she still needs coffee. Can you "check" on us a little more often?" and I said it more harshly than I knew, becuase Ana said "Elisabeth!". I felt bad about it, and she did come over more often, but I couldn't say anthing -- there wasn't an opportunity. There was a damper I felt for about 20 minutes after it happened and it came close to ruining the experience for me.

I ended up calling Perkins after we got home and (first) asking them if they still had Emmett's favorite and first pacifier (which he left there and they didn't have it) and secondly asking them to pass along my apology message. It turned out the girl had gone home sick. I said "I hope it's not becuase of what I said to her" and the manager told me she hadn't been feeling well.

I feel TERRIBLE about this and of course believe that I devestated her, because at her age, I would have been devestated too.

MIKE'S FRIEND: ___________________________________
Mike's friend sent an email describing his own slow climb out of depression and how his boss spends portions of the day weeping in another room, and Mike's friend can hear him sobbing -- and that he starts sobbing too. That his boss has a deep, deep depression. Something in this is bothering me to the core. It's leading me to feel that this man is suicidal and I feel worried for him although I don't know him. I wish I could help him.

3rd WORLD COUNTRIES: ___________________________________
I was looking at Angelina Jolie's baby today and have been recently noticing how "rich" Emmett is and how comparatively spoiled he is when examining the rest of the world. It has been bothering me quite a lot lately. I am so tired of living in this pretend world where our material problems are so pathetic. I am trying to gain relief by pushing these thoughts out of my mind, but it's very hard.

Tonight I read a story on Angelina Jolie's new baby and felt overcome with emotions -- joy for Zahara, but devestation for the rest of the kids that aren't adopted and that are dying.

It is so hard for me to not become obsessed with this. Like how I was with eating meat before, I force the idea out of my mind in order to live peacably. If I let myself go, I think I would become an obsessed radical -- consumed with third world countries and thoroughly depressed in my inability to make a significant change.

I had an idea of an art installation where people would send in the crusts of bread that children reject. (Emmett will not eat crust). And that there would be a huge pile in the middle of the floor and it would be directly contrasted with starving children that are literally dying without food.

MY FIGHT WITH MIKE: ___________________________________

Mike and I had a huge fight Monday night that was directly my fault. I am not over the fact that I am capable of being so mean.

I should mention that I'm hormonally sensitive right now. Still. These feelings are normally filtered by a need to exist peacefully and Ithink that during these times, I'm more in touch with the reality of my sensitivity.

SMOKING: ___________________________________
I don't want to get too into this. Ana found my lighter and put a note that said "STOP SMOKING. YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF".

OTHER THINGS: ___________________________________

Seeing an overturned car and tractor trailer on the road and knowing that probably the driver had died. Reading an article about a young woman who has been lost for 5 years with no trace and a different story in which a child was found dead, stuffed in a suitcase. I am feeling sad and depressed and I hope that sleep will cure this.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Some people drop pennies

originally uploaded by elisabethie.
and don't think it's "worth their time" to pick them up. I do this with ice in the summer. If a cube of ice falls on the floor, I don't pick it up. I just let it melt. I became fully in touch with this today.

Also, I can finally admit that I think hardwood floors are less comfortable and less homey than wall to wall carpeting. Additionally, I like lower ceilings better than higher ones. And while we're on this subject, I've always liked being on the top floor of an apartment. I feel like I can breathe better or something.

This weekend was productive. We got a lot of work done (including taking pictures for my cousin, doing some ad work for the church and cleaning everything).

Product photography is REALLY HARD. I art directed and took photos of my cousin's bags this weekend. You can see them here. You would be amazed at how truly difficult it is.

The rest of the weekend was mellow and I'm sorry its ending. We put in our counter offer about the house. Hopefully we'll hear tomorrow.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I admit it.

I love this movie., originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Mike had a dream

shedding skin
Originally uploaded by elisabethie.

the night before last that he murdered someone. And he was really upset about it. He said that he murdered them and didn't realize he'd done it and that he was apologizing to the dead person saying "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was murdering you".

I didn't take the dream to be negative, even though he was upset. I almost felt like it was about the fact that there have been deaths to certain parts of us -- maybe becuase when we got married (literally) we murdered certain parts of one another. It sounds terrible, but it's just the truth. It's an unfortunate side of reality...but it is reality.

I had a dream once where there was a woman I disliked and I decided to poisen her. (The dream had a very "Heathers" feeling. Sort of candy surreal). She didn't know I poisened her and started to have all these terrible reactions to the poisen. It wasn't "instant". In fact, it was agonizingly long, and I found myself doing everything I could to save her -- never admitting the truth. At the end of the dream I threw a mrble in this flat disk-like casino wheel (unmarked) and just watched the marble spin.

Every time we step, we kill something. When we leave here, we're killing some things that started to grow. We're leaving it unattended and we're going to a new garden. When we left Philly, a lot of things died for us. When we left LA, things in LA died. The only things that last when you leave them are things that don't need constant attention.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

July 20, 2005 is...

Mike's Birthday (not our cake)
Mike's Birthday (not our cake),
originally uploaded by elisabethie.
Mike's 34th Birthday.

And today, more than any other day, I appreciate my husband for being an incredible human being.

Being married is really hard, but I can honestly say that I think he makes it the easiest it can be.

Thank you Mike for being a loving father and completely tolerant of my emotional instability. You bring me stability and a desire to do what's good.

This post, and I hope all the comments, are in honor of him.



Being honest...

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
is for me to stop feeling self-conscious all of the sudden and to write as I would have written last week.

The Avery comment threw me into thoughts I never really had about my blog. All of the sudden I felt judged and not valid...and by someone I barely know.

Without focusing too much on it, I need to address these feelings, because the TRUTH of the matter is, that as tough and fighting as I am, I'm also sensitive. And I felt embarassed by my own feelings and felt a need to defend them -- as ridiculous as it sounds.

So, I'm coming back out of the closet with you guys. Here's the truth:

1. I AM trivial. I am petty. Things do upset me. I feel more than other people. I worry about my son. I worry about every single decision we make, even if it seems silly to a reader. Buying a house for some people is easy. But for me it's not.

2. I AM Overly Analytic and I use this blog to vent everything I'm thinking. This is a completely selfish blog. It is public, becuase I can't imagine why anyone that doesn't know me would ever want to read it.

3. I AM NOT COOL and I gave up trying like 10 years ago. I do not think cool people have fun. My whole identity is in real, unadulterated fun that blurs out the critical eye. This is my goal exclusively.

4. I DO NOT have a perfect life It's a stretch to assume anyone would think that, but when I write anything positive, it's because I'm trying to be positive. Not becuase my life is great.

5. It is hard for me to be a Christian And it's because in the kind of circles I've always been in and the kind of people I've always connected with still have a negative connotation to Christians.

6. It's making me mad that I am even having to "come out of the closet". But as annoying as this is to me, I have to go through this process to write without the clamp that I suddenly feel.

I do dorky "feel good" things like having everyone post "What they like about Mike" or sending cupcakes into his job with adjectives describing him or giving people self esteem boosts or writing and preforming songs about how much I love my friends. This is simply who I am.

OK. Having said that, here's what I'm thinking about:

Everyone seems like they're in a bad mood today. Mike and I are doing all this free work for people (my cousin, my uncle, the church), and everyone is wanting more. It's exhaustive.

I'm still worried about smoking. I'm still smoking enough to be dangerous. I'm not coughing anymore. Mike is understanding.

By the way, my cell phone is from '97. No, literally. It weighs like 20 pounds and the ringtone sounds are antique.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

We've been trying

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
to do what God wants. Trying to listen. Trying to make the right decision, which is somehting that's confounded by Emmett. It's such a differnt process when you have a child.

But what we realized yesterday, was that when we are "going forward", all the problems seem to vanish. It's when we stop in our paths that everything gets bad. So we're going forward.

I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH --ALL OF YOU, for allowing me to feel that this is as big a deal as it feels...for not condemming me for being petty and for creating an environment that I can be my true self, as silly as it may seem sometimes. Everyone one of you has helped in ways you have no idea of. And thank you JR & AT & HH (usually quiet readers) for calling and writing and recognizing my fears.

I even thank you Anon, with your brash comment, for your words becuase that is a missing perspective. (Now don't hide behind your fears and we'll be fine. You should know, I can take bluntness, as long as it's honest).

Having said that, all is back in line and I'm doing much better, except that I've smoked 4 1/2 cigarettes during this situation and I'm getting worried that I'm going to start again. I know myself and I am teetering. I can't be a smoker. I love Emmett too much.

In other news, there are some pretty sad things happening elsewhere.

One of my friends out here, that's our age, was diagnosed with breast cancer. How DARE I smoke out of respect to her! I want so much to help her and unsure how to help.It's weighing heavily on me, and I'm avoiding the full thought of this reality.

I want so much to help her and I feel so captive. I'm just going to listen and try to bring fun and contemplation into the times we spend together. And I felt it with her when she said "Why me? Why not her?". I wonder the same things. It seems unfair how lots are dealt. And I guess I'm just is really unfair. And comparitively, my "problems" seem pathetic. If you're reading "Mary", please know that I want to go through this with you.

In an effort to direct this entry into some positive news, here's a list of other things that are happening:

1. Emmett clearly says "Da-DDY" now.
2. Tomorrow is Mike's birthday.
3. I applied for new freelance work.
4. Mike is appreciated at his job.
5. I am in touch with my old friend, and mentor, Andrea.
6. My friend Phil has started writing letters to me again.
7. I have come to realize that I AM growing in the Orthodox church and God is in my life more than in a long time.
8. We are still trying to figure out how to make Living Wage and the Robot band happen.
9. Today is pretty outside.
10. Certain depression is controllable and I have been a wimp.

Monday, July 18, 2005

When will this end

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
I almost posted a picture of a person suffocating. You can see that picture here. But then I realized it's far too gruesome for this blog, although it describes how I feel. This picture is the more positive side of everything. There's hope. Mike is trying to reach me. But I am so far down and I have no desire to be helped. Buying a house is like lifting a piano and I feel like I'm doing it alone.

Last week, after I told Mike I couldn't handle making the decision, he sent me an email saying that he felt at peace...that this was the right thing to do etc. After a weekend of feeling excited, planning, measuring rooms, talking about different space ideas, Sunday night Mike prays over dinner that God will help us to make the important decisions we need to make. I was like What decisions.

He informed me that he felt "blocked" by something. That he wasn't sure if it was God or fear, but that he couldn't confidentally say we should go forward.He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

I was so upset, I walked away from the table and zoned out into the computer. I stopped talking and could barely do anything. I took Emmett out in the rain and walked him around to get out of the house and away from Mike.

Then, when he asked me to talk, I refused for hours. Finally, I spewed venom all over him, hurling hatred and insults at him for more than an hour. He asked me to pray wiht him and I refused. I went to the store and bought a pack of cigarettes and found 3 beatles on myself, which somehow I took as a don't smoke sign. I did anyway. Last night I smoked 2 cigarettes.

I feel like I'm tetoring in between two high rise buildings trying to keep my balance on a 2x4. I feel like a kid who's parents promised him a field trip to a fun park, and after 3 days of preparation (packing lunches, looking at pictures etc.), the morning of the field trip, they say he can't go. I feel embarassed, angry, stressed and completely detached. I feel like my ship is being captained by a clown.

We came to a sort of peace last night (the cigarettes helped) andthis mroning I woke up with the same lump in my throat and complete feeling of dread. I asked him why couldn't he "have these feelings" before we put our offer in. Why would he waste everyone's time like this -- mine, the relators, the sellers, the inspectors -- ALL OF US. And why was he so confident all weekend?

The problem is, I cannot trust any of my own feelings about this, so any feeling he has, immediately sways me. I am dealing with guilting from my parents, fear for Emmett being away from them, worry about traditional values (it's best to raise your kids in teh suburbs) etc., so I can't trust any "blockage" I have. I know they could be extrenal factors. (Interjection: J, please don't tell your mom (our realtor) about this. It will add more stress that she will think we are wasting her time. I am very embarrassed and don't want her to know we are going through all this)

I feel SICK. I feel like I am drowning in mud, not even water. I feel like someone is dying. I feel like a boyfriend broke up with me. I am crying in spurts -- for like 5 seconds and then not. I can't play wiht Emmett. I want to go somewhere that no one knows who I am.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I just bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked my first cigarette. I am falling apart.

please god help me

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Friday, July 15, 2005

I feel at peace

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
about the house. We went last night to check it out again, and talked to one of the neighbors. She was telling us all about the neighborhood and kind of eased our fears.Plus, she was cool (i.e. rents on the beach in Cape May). Next door to us is a punk rock band on the other side. We saw them, but I was exhausted from the hour long conversation with the other lady and I didn't feel like talking to them. We know we'll probably like them.

We also found out that the little breakfast/lunch dinnette on the end of the block is owned by a Greek which is so exciting to me.

The park is kind of run down, but they're redoing it and I will become a major pest to get them to do more. I am fully willing to do whatever it takes to get that park to look cute. But it's totally safe and it is open space.

We went to a restaurant called "August" right off the park. It was so cool -- with really good food. We feel like we found an undiscovered gem of a neighborhood and when we walked back to the car (on our block), I felt like we were going home. It felt familiar.

The only time I felt the same upset was driving back here. My parents are so disaproving, it is making insecurities arise where there aren't any. So last night, after a glowing night of excitemtn, I came home and told Mike that I felt like my excitement was makint the final decision for us and that I couldn't handle it. That I needed to not make this decision becuase I simply can't handle the stress.

I have been dealing with panic attacks (feel like I can't breathe, heart beating irregularly). I'm always about to have one, but I've learned to control my breathing so they are happening to a minimum. Poor Emmett -- I can barely concentrate on him. I'm always putting on the TV becuase I can't handle anything right now.

BUT, I feel peace, despite this.
And thank you Colin & Jessica, for going out there and scoping it out for us. You have no idea what your encouragement means to me. And also, thank you to everyone that was willing to take a risk and tell me what they really think. It's hard to give advice. There's a lot of pressure. And I really really appreciate you guys. Thanks.

I keep thinking of songs and substituting "blogging" or "blogger" in them. I had one this morning that was stuck in my mind, but I forgot it. As I was writing this, in the back of my head was "All I really need to do is find myself a brand new blogger"...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I really need your advice on a long story.

originally uploaded by elisabethie.
Right before I started writing this morningI acutally started singing a Liz Phair song outloud, from way back in the day. But instead of opening the song the REAL WAY (found here) (Help me Mary please), I started singing it like this "Help me bloggers please..."

This post is a desperate plea for any opinion or instinct you might have. I feel completely confused.

Here's the story:

Yesderday, we were scheduled to go to the house for inspection. Right before that, I found out about Mike's calculations on us doing the mortgage, and it involved us moving to one car. I was LIVID. As a mother, there is no way I'm going to be without a car until we're living there and I feel it's Ok. For right now, I need to feel like if anything happens to Emmett, I can take him to the hospital or if I need to get my mom to watch him, I can drive him out to them etc. To afford the mortgage, we'd have to scrimp. The day started off badly.

As the day progressed, I started to get in a better mood and when we got to the house, I loved it again and so did Emmett. I was having a fun time being in the house and it didn't seem as small as I thought.

The inspection went ok. There are some problems, but the guy should probably pay for them. And as we were leaving and discussing next steps, the door wouldn't lock. It was the weirdest thing. Emmett was super fussy and Mike and our realtor were struggling to shut the door. It simply wouldn't lock.

The way the back yard is set up is that there are squares of property, separated by shoulder-high adjoining gates and closed in at the back by the same kind of gate. Behind the property is a walkway that goes past all the houses and is accessible to the yard. Behind that walkway is an extremely high barbed wire fence to keep people out. The only way for us to get out was to ask the next door neighbors if we could hop their fence and if they could let us out through their house.

Our realtor went to the next door neighbor (an old lady who was really sweet and who we'd met before). She didn't answer. Instead, a very American-Italian (but sort of seedy greasy, stocky guy with aqua blue eyes) answered the door. He was the lady's son in law. Her daughter died many years ago, but he was still living with her.

Lynn (realtor) asked if we could go through his house and he made up an excuse about how there's no passage between the houses. Lynn walked away akwardly. I said to the guy "Can my husband just hop your fence and come through? We don't all have to go". And the guy reluctantly said ok.

Mike went into the house and hopped their fence and waited when the guy said this.But the guy didn't go back. Instead, a small form of hysteria ensued. His mother-in-law came out and was fumbling with keys and they were saying how we should have a key and we all pay for that space back there and it all felt very confusing. But, it became clear that he was not going to let Mike walk through the house. He was going to take him out through the back gate. All of the sudden, the guy rushed inside. As soon as he did, I whispered to Lynn "They're hiding something. I mean, what is this."

In the meantime, Mike was in the back waiting in their yard and, hearing that they said it was ok, walking into the entryway of their door saying "Hello"....The guy rushed back and said sternly "Hey buddy, you're trespassing". Mike told him he was sorry and thought he was suppsed to walk through the house. Mike said it was akward. The guy wasn't totally mean, but it was weird. There was some confusion with the guy as to whether we'd bought the house or not. Mike explained that we didn't own it.

Mike met us a little put off and as we walked away from Lynn, I saw her wave and say "thanks" to the non-responsive guy.

We got into the car and guesses immediately started. Mike felt like he was just a South Philly type. I felt like they may have been hiding something -- guns? Maybe drugs, but not pot. Or maybe he was just involved on a very low level with the mafia (he certainly had the look) and was defensive becuase he's a person with something to hide. Mike and I felt like CRAP and all of the sudden, we saw a rundown park that we thought looked so cute before. It's not manicured and there are weeds growing through all the cracks. And we saw a neighborhood that felt much more South Philly than it had before. We were getting depressed.

The only way I could figure out dealing with it was to go back to the house and apologize and get a more distinct vibe of the guy. So I did.

I knocked on the door and the sweet old lady came. She rememberd my name and was saying that we must be very serious if we've been back again.
E: "I'm so sorry about what happened before. My husband didn't know and we might move in here and I want to have a good relationship"

OL: "Oh no, no. We've already forgotten about that. Don't worry. So it seems like you're very serious about the house. I hope you get it."

And from there, we had a very sweet conversation and another neighbor walked by and she was really nice too.

So we walked around the neighborhood and we met two young guys. One was artsy and had a baby Mia. The other was a total Yuppie. Both of them were walking their dogs in the dog park. They both were cool and positive, and both felt we would like it there...but neither actually lived in that neighborhood. They just came for their dogs. But it felt positive and the park is kind of dumpy, but I know we could clean it up and make a "Friends of the Park" type of thing. And I was imagining events in the park etc.

We came home and the money issue came up again. Of course my parents take this whole thing as a sign (and I did pray for a sign, but I meant before we put in an offer).

We are TOTALLY TOTALLY confused. Any response is greatly appreciated. What you write is only going to add to my list of thoughts. And if you do post a comment, please think of what you're going to write before you read other people's comments so that you're not influenced by their thoughts.
Things that are worrying me:

1. The guy next door. He wasn't friendly and he was weird. This is a row home adn that's very close quarters. Is this unsafe? Is he doing something illegal? Is he involved in the mob? I don't want to live next door to someone who could get killed. Does he have a gun business? Or, is the guy just South Philly and weird. Did he put the "lowball" bid on the house and he's a little strange about it? Don't get me wrong...he wasn't mean. Just defensive.

2. The lady across the street. We know she has a serious poker table going on and that the neighbors go. We saw it. How serious is it? Do they gamble a lot? Do people get mad? Is this unsafe?

3. Is it too South Philly. The neighborhood is still "South Philly"...but is it TOO South Philly for us? Will they resent us? Literally, they all grew up there their whole lives and are dying in these homes or passing them on to their children. Will it ever change?

4. The mortgage: Can we really get lower than this? We don't have all our eggs lined up, but based on our model of not including my income, the mortgage involves some cuts. Do we dare try to go lower? But what we've seen that's lower is either tiny or terrible. What about repairs? Can we afford them? Mike says he can get freelance, plus we have Ebay, plus we have what I'm making (even though we're not counting it), but is this wise when we want to have another baby?

Things I'm not worried about:• The house inside (feels homey)
• The style
• Feeling comfortable
• Walking Emmett around
• The backyard
• Parking
• I like the area
• The "deal"

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I wish I were...


more like a movie character, and what really shocks me, is that people like that really exist. Like this person. He's real, but how can he be so incredibly aloof and cool -- like for real. But he is, and I know he is becuase I know him. And there are a smattering of other people that I've met that are the same way. They're really, really that cool.

I always assume that secretly, everyone is a nerd or that everyone is like me -- but I don't think it's really true. I struggle with my faith in that I long for the seeming "liberation" that comes with being so wild and artistically free. I think some people get there and fun becomes not as silly and safe as my fun is. Experimentation is at the root of their experiences. This is something I limit.

My Christianity puts undeniable boundaries on my experiences -- and they're boundaries that I feel a sense of rebellion against. I wish I weren't such a touchy feely person -- such an honest person, and a person exisiting in such structure. I want to be wild, living in crazy places with aloof situations and weird people -- doing intense art projects and trying everything. But I can't.

I have only one resolve; The glimpses I've had of myself in these situations. I can say (and everyone around me has said) that I was a mess.

So to close my diary thought, I'll say this; Although I think that kind of life is the coolest, maybe I really can't handle it. Christianity aside...I'm not sure if I can stomach such a fearless life. I think security is something I need more than spontaneity.


fear, originally uploaded by elisabethie.

I'm scared

Monday, July 11, 2005

we did it.

, originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

4554586b, originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Dear Sir,

I figured that I’d write you a note to say hello and introduce myself, since my husband and I are making an offer on your house. We’ve been searching for quite awhile to find a home that would be suitable for ourselves and for our baby, and this house seems like an answer to prayer. From the moment we walked into the property, we both felt a tremendous amount of peace and warmth. We felt like it was a place that contained many good memories – and a place that we want to raise our son.

To tell you a little about who we are, my husband and I are both artistic and we enjoy culture. We’ve lived in Philadelphia for most of our adult lives and have been searching for a city home with enough land for our baby to play. I can’t tell you how excited we are by the back yard and the park.

If it works out with this property, I want you to know that we will take very good care of it and will greatly enjoy becoming a part of this community. We’ve already met the next-door neighbor on the right and the woman that lives across the street. They were both so incredibly friendly and warm to us.

I can imagine it must be difficult to sell a house that’s been with you for so long. I want you to know that it will come into a family that will love and take care of it with the same tenderness that you clearly gave it.

We are very, very excited.


####### #########
Click Here for more

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

There's something really fun

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
about running in the rain. And I just ran out to the car to "check" if the windows were open, and I think it was just an excuse to run in the rain.

Here's an update:

Houses: We saw a house that we really liked a lot. It needs MASSIVE work. It was in terrible shape and there was a dead animal in it. Imagine looking through a place that was in terrible shape and smelled rancid...but still loving it. That was us. The problem with the place is that there really is barely a backyard, and that's not great. We're going to look at a few more. Mike thinks he may have found one. San Francisco thoughts are waneing and we're getting excited about Philly.

Wayne's Birthday: We took Wayne out for his birthday on Saturday night and went to this autehtnic italian place near his house. Wayne and I (since we're identical twins) got Mussels. Mike got gnocchi and was jealous. Then, we went out for desert at this adorable little cafe called Rosealinas and the lady ended up telling us she was going to try to help us find a house. It was a fun night.

4th of July: Chris came and stayed iwth us for a few days and that was awesome. We just relaxed and watched Twilight Zone and talked about our history and who we are now etc. etc. Saturday night, we saw War of the Worlds...a surprisingly satisfying movie. Ana watched Emmett in exchange for an Umbrellas CD. On the 4th of July, we went to a celebration and actually didn't end up seeing fireworks.

Emmett: I can't believe this love I have inside of me. I feel like I'm in Alien and this love is capable of growing bigger and bigger until I explode. To think I am capable of this much love is mindblowing. You can't understand this until you have a child. But it's kind of like Alien.

Work: My client is asking me to be a bigger part of the company and to move to San Francisco but is, at teh same time, late with all payments again. I have given up on him again and just don't care anymore.

People News: Straight from LA, here it is:

Angelina is pregant with Brad Pitt's baby and they are both very happy about it. An official announcement will be made in the next few weeks.

Mike: Continues to astound me with how good of a husband he is and how unworthy I am of his love. It's moments like now that I realize I am very, very blessed. This weekend he did everything from making French Toast, to trying to help me when my stomach hurt and changing most of Emmett's dirty diapers. Mike, I love you and thank you for reading my blog.

Upromise: I sent eveyone an email about it and heop that you'l sign up with Emmett. It will help start a college fund for him.

Movie: Check this out. People are still buying it from us. I'm always so surprised and excited when we get a sale.

Fun Club Adventure Tour II Evites are coming out today. Mike and Kyle are calling this one "The Bizzare and The Beautiful".

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I like her husband,

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
but I think my cousin should separate from him. He's destructive and verbally abusive. While they're separated, they can both get counseling.

What do you think of separation.