Tuesday, July 05, 2005

There's something really fun

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
about running in the rain. And I just ran out to the car to "check" if the windows were open, and I think it was just an excuse to run in the rain.

Here's an update:

Houses: We saw a house that we really liked a lot. It needs MASSIVE work. It was in terrible shape and there was a dead animal in it. Imagine looking through a place that was in terrible shape and smelled rancid...but still loving it. That was us. The problem with the place is that there really is barely a backyard, and that's not great. We're going to look at a few more. Mike thinks he may have found one. San Francisco thoughts are waneing and we're getting excited about Philly.

Wayne's Birthday: We took Wayne out for his birthday on Saturday night and went to this autehtnic italian place near his house. Wayne and I (since we're identical twins) got Mussels. Mike got gnocchi and was jealous. Then, we went out for desert at this adorable little cafe called Rosealinas and the lady ended up telling us she was going to try to help us find a house. It was a fun night.

4th of July: Chris came and stayed iwth us for a few days and that was awesome. We just relaxed and watched Twilight Zone and talked about our history and who we are now etc. etc. Saturday night, we saw War of the Worlds...a surprisingly satisfying movie. Ana watched Emmett in exchange for an Umbrellas CD. On the 4th of July, we went to a celebration and actually didn't end up seeing fireworks.

Emmett: I can't believe this love I have inside of me. I feel like I'm in Alien and this love is capable of growing bigger and bigger until I explode. To think I am capable of this much love is mindblowing. You can't understand this until you have a child. But it's kind of like Alien.

Work: My client is asking me to be a bigger part of the company and to move to San Francisco but is, at teh same time, late with all payments again. I have given up on him again and just don't care anymore.

People News: Straight from LA, here it is:

Angelina is pregant with Brad Pitt's baby and they are both very happy about it. An official announcement will be made in the next few weeks.

Mike: Continues to astound me with how good of a husband he is and how unworthy I am of his love. It's moments like now that I realize I am very, very blessed. This weekend he did everything from making French Toast, to trying to help me when my stomach hurt and changing most of Emmett's dirty diapers. Mike, I love you and thank you for reading my blog.

Upromise: I sent eveyone an email about it and heop that you'l sign up with Emmett. It will help start a college fund for him.

Movie: Check this out. People are still buying it from us. I'm always so surprised and excited when we get a sale.

Fun Club Adventure Tour II Evites are coming out today. Mike and Kyle are calling this one "The Bizzare and The Beautiful".


At 5:43 PM, Blogger ctf said...

I love to read your posts. Thanks for such a great update! I hope the house situation comes together soon. I'm with you about running in the rain!!!

It's been forever since I've seen Emmett. He must be growing in leaps and bounds. If you have any pictures email-able, please send me one. : )

At 10:33 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I am so glad to hear you sounding so happy and grateful and optimistic! Exciting things are underway, it seems!

At 9:43 AM, Blogger AWStiles said...

good news all around! let me know when you look at places near my neighborhood, i want to tag along!

thanks for a great birthday, you two of the best!

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone... Aud from LA here.

re: the brad angelina post, uhh that inside info came from my uninformed co-worker. What i think she really meant to say was that Angelina was adopting an ethiopian baby with Brad. My fault. (slight mix up of words- ha ha ) sorry elis. p.s you have the best blog in the world


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