My worst enemy.

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
And so, the weirdness continues.
Today, while at the gym, it started off GREAT. It was so great, I convinced myself that the runner across from me was picking up the strength of my rhythm. I was listening to this great Soviet song and was running so tightly, I was certain I looked like a "real" work out person -- the kind with several gym outfits.
All of the sudden, my elbow hit the cord and the casette tape was knocked onto the floor with a loud bang. My ear phones flew off my head, fell to tread mill and were "whipped back" to the floor. I jumped off the treadmill, and tried to pick the ear phones up in a "no big deal" kind of way. But low and behold, the cord of teh ear phones went into the tread part of the mill and was stuck inside. I jumped up and pushed the red button and looked to Ana for help. She mouthed "Do I know you", and continued working out.
I was on the floor, butt facing the gym for about 1 minute, struggling to get the cord out. But it was totally stuck.
I actually considered asking for help, but decided it was worth breaking the earphones to not have to be in this terrible position. I yanked as hard as I could, and they came out unscathed.
After that, we did the machines, and I worked on the one that you have to open and close your legs. When I was younger, this machine bothered me becuase I felt it made me feel vulernable and open to jokes. Today, this happened. 2 jokey teens saw me on the machine and started "joking" about my position, and the convenience of it.
And as I told Ana, I literally got this image in my head of an old fashioned movie where a black and white newspaper whirls into a close up position with a headline that "says it all":
Woman punches boy in gym.
Eeek, I know exactly which piece of equipment you are referring to.
I enjoyed my water aerobics class because it was me and a bunch of middle aged/elderly women, and 2 younger pregnant girls. The gym frightens me.
that is hysterical!! I can totally relate
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