Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I'm tired

of complaining and feeling so negative.

I dread moving and rooting.
I want to keep going, and wandering.

You know that book "The Power of Positive Thinking".
I'm starting to wonder if the dark, Philly feeling
I get is becuase of non positive thinking.
I appreciate so little of what I have and feel restless --

We showed the movie to our Florida relatives, and guess
who laughed the loudest:

Melissa (30 yr old cousin, very, very wild)
Dusty (29 year old cousin, goodlooking and sarcastic musician and P.A.)
John (59 yr old EX-Uncle (Melissa & Dusty's dad) and James Bond impersonator)
Dina (60 year old Aunt that works out at the gym daily and has a great body)
Yaya (84 year old Grandmother on my father's side who recycles everything)

The answer....

Yaya. She was crying with laughter.
I couldn't believe she "got it".


At 7:10 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

It is antsy, but I've lived with it my whole life.


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