Sunday, July 10, 2005

4554586b, originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Dear Sir,

I figured that I’d write you a note to say hello and introduce myself, since my husband and I are making an offer on your house. We’ve been searching for quite awhile to find a home that would be suitable for ourselves and for our baby, and this house seems like an answer to prayer. From the moment we walked into the property, we both felt a tremendous amount of peace and warmth. We felt like it was a place that contained many good memories – and a place that we want to raise our son.

To tell you a little about who we are, my husband and I are both artistic and we enjoy culture. We’ve lived in Philadelphia for most of our adult lives and have been searching for a city home with enough land for our baby to play. I can’t tell you how excited we are by the back yard and the park.

If it works out with this property, I want you to know that we will take very good care of it and will greatly enjoy becoming a part of this community. We’ve already met the next-door neighbor on the right and the woman that lives across the street. They were both so incredibly friendly and warm to us.

I can imagine it must be difficult to sell a house that’s been with you for so long. I want you to know that it will come into a family that will love and take care of it with the same tenderness that you clearly gave it.

We are very, very excited.


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Click Here for more


At 5:49 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I hope it works out, too. it sounds great. And what a perfect letter to have written, too.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger AWStiles said...

although it's not bella vista or the italian market? that's my hood your talkin' bout hair girl. Those are fightin words.

anyway, the kitchen looks cool. we need to go out and get those little italian pepper horn things to hang up, in anticipation of you getting the place.
We're gonna be neighbors! We're gonna be neighbors!

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Love Hobo Chic said...



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