Friday, January 16, 2009

I've had to drive a lot lately

and while I was in a traffic jam on 76 yesterday, I was weaving my way into the fast lane, trying to get through traffic. And I did. I stayed in the fast lane, and kept moving to the slow lane when it seeemed to go faster. And at the end of the jam, I looked behind me, and there was the golden Dodge mini-van that I saw in the slow lane way back. It was the car that wasn't switching lanes. And I realized that there's some kind of weird analogy here between Mike and I.

I am always trying to get things finished fast. My mind is in overdrive trying to do things quickly. Where, with Mike, he takes everything slow and steady. In the end, we arrive at the same place. And there's something to be said for the intelligence of the person that understands that being in the slow lane doesn't actually always mean you're going slower. It means you have the ability to see further down the road.

Living Room Clothing is a point of contention for Mike and I right now. It has been going painfully slow and most of my work is done. I'm taking this analogy and applying it to Mike, (hoping) that he sees something I don't see in getting to the end of the road.


1. MUSIC: I'm becoming more open minded. I love men's voices that are high and low. I love women's voices that are weird or low. I love men's and women's voices that are lazy. BUT I DO NOT LIKE flowery women's voices. I am not into vibrato and I'm not into women's voices that are high-pitched. I am not into any voice, male or female, without tension or a problem.

2. HEARING: As you all know, I had surgery on my ear. I can't hear out of my left ear and I feel like I'm on drugs. I feel disconnected from people because everything is off balance. I stopped taking Perkasets for the pain because I realized it's only making things worse.

3. NEAT ENVIORNMENTS: I believe this affects my children directly. When our house is neat, they seem gentle. When it's not, they seem overly energetic.

There have been a lot of changes over the past few months. Ethan is growing into the cutest phase ever. Emmett is becoming smarter by the day. Last night, he invented his own finger puppets. He cut paper and put a piece of tape behind it so you could slide it onto your finger. We drew all kinds of pictures.