It's like someones cutting down
my strength. I operate on this pillar of independance and for the past few days, I feel like I can't stand up on my own.
My entire life, I've operated behind thick walls that allow me to empathise, sympathise and feel -- but never reveal myself as vulernable. I have this so perfectly figured out, that when I reveal too much, I actually feel embarassed and worried. I'm very happy with the ice pond above my feelings and am content with the semi-permeable shields I have up. It's enough to create friendships and form bonds (and is truly sincere) but allows me to filter out how much I show and how much I actually need to express.
This is way too honest for a blog read by people I know, nonetheless, it's where I am right now. Because lately, my ability to hold this up is slipping. Yesterday, I found myself clinging to Mike for basic human functioning in this really co-dependant way. I can't seem to motivate myself to do basic things (like driving to a place I don't know) without him.
Last night, Mike and I got into an argument because I opened up some of this vulernability to him. He responded lovingly, but later I noticed he became sharper with me than he usually is, telling me things that bothered him etc. Unfortunately, Mike and I are in a power pattern. Before we got married, he was in power and I was always seeking his approval. Then, when I finally started to leave, I got the power and he is seeking to make me happy. When I remove all of my defenses and become vulernable to him, he begins to retaliate. This is either because (his opinion) he's finally able to tell me what he thinks in a safe environment or (my opinion) he doesn't know how to love me when I'm not somewhat cold. So we go back and forth, with me showing and then hiding a weakness that I don't feel on the surface, but I guess is there underneath.
I start to wonder, is there really anything wrong with this if I can refine it a little better? I think of myself as an open and honest person -- and I am for the most part. I just don't like feeling vulernable. At the same time, Mike and I are wondering if this circular pattern is actually our biggest problem.