yesterday's post

from the airplane we are. In route to Los Angeles, to see my sister have her baby.
My whole family will be there, and this is a source of stress for me. My
whole family, all together, is something I don't enjoy. I love everyone one
on one, but I don't like the role I have in my family as a unit.
I think it's probably hurtful to them that I feel this way, but it's the
truth. Every time my whole family is together I end up getting upset.
Everyone ends up mad at me and I end up mad at everyone. I don't know why
they even want me there. It's really much easier without me.
So, part of me is dreading this. I'm excited for Audrey and to see her baby.
I'm excited to see Ana. I'm excited to see my parents. It's the all together
time that brings a sick feeling to my stomach.
We're at the tail-nd of this plane ride. I watched some Robin Williams movie
about a president that gets elected due to a faulty computer system. It was
a mediocre film, but I could barely see it because the screen was flipping
and staticey. I really do hate US Air. They didn't even formally address it.
Stuff with the clothing line is going, slowly but surely. I'm hoping to be
able to work on it while we're out there. We have a few promising
manufacturers and officially have our design consultant. It feels major.
We're both (Mike and I) sick. We're sniffing, sneezing and I have this weird
pain in the upper back of my throat. It feels painfully dry. Mike is blowing
his nose...I'm trying to hide it because this plane is literally full. When
we were bording, I was so mad at Mike. He booked our tickets one behind the
the other in 3 rows. His idea was that we could just "switch" seats with
people. I was like...we HAVE to. Emmett is 3! And it was akward and
uncomfortable, but it's over now. Everyone around us was put out because it
was actually 3 middle seats. Who wants to trade an ender for a middle seat.
I have to pee, but I would never even consider it on a plane unless it was a
dire emergency. I'm amazed at my ability to "hold" when I want to. And I
really want to. And I swear that guy standing in line for the athroom was
the genie on Pee Wee's playhouse.
i had a crush on the genie back in the day.
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