The end of 2006 - A Review

Here's a brief overview of the events toward the end of 2006. This is for archival reasons and may not be interesting.
Christmas: I was halfway into the spirit this year. It's funny because Phil hates Christmas, but there he was with us, getting the tree.
I am making a promise to myself that I will not wake up in any other bed than my own on Christmas morning from now on. It's time to cut the parental ties and make this be about Emmett.
In short, some of my favorite gifts were: leg warmers (Audrey), awesome bra that's "Oprah's Choice" (Mike), best jeans ever (Mike), best sneakers ever (Audrey), Color book (Ana), pencils for crosswords (Emmett), Undercounter CD player (Mike's Mom), Money (my parents and my uncle). But year after year, Christmas is about giving and not receiving for me. In a nutshell, we went to Mike's Mom's house, slept over and had Christmas at her house. My parents came. I am prone to be irritable on Christmas day...I'm not sure why.
All in all, it was an okay Christmas. We gave Angela & Joe, Uncle Peter, Josh, Amy & Don-- Netflix. Most expensive pair of shoes ever (combined with others)-Audrey. Internet radio -- Dad. Kenny Mau earrings - Mom. New computer (combined with others)-Mike. Banjo, guitar, Playmobile, little cars & trucks-Emmett. And various to friends.
Christmas II - The Santa Claus thing: I was deprived of this, but sort of believed it anyway. I'm handing Santa Claus with Emmett like this: "Emmett, Santa Claus is a story that Mommy and Daddy don't believe. The story goes like this..."
New Years Eve: I loved my outfit on New Years Eve. After a day (earlier in the week) spent with Phil thriftshopping, I found a few skirts that I really loved -- one of which I wore. I spent about an hour getting ready and was heavy on the makeup. We went to a party in NJ that was fun, and left to go to another party which was okay but gigantic. Last year, the party spilled into the street. This year it didn't and got "busted" by the cops, leading me to feel that I was way too old to be at that party. We came home and Jessica and I busted into dancing, one song and one CD at a time, in the kitchen in the dark. Avery passed out on the floor. Mike, Wayne and Colin were having some deep intellectual discussion. But Jessica and I danced and danced until I couldn't find any more good songs (and until she wanted to go home). After everyone was gone, I called another friend that came and picked me up, and I stayed out overnight looking for parties, hanging inside, and laughing. On New Years day it rained. I got home at 5pm and we drove out to Avondale for dinner with my parents.
2007 Mom Friends: I went to Tunnels of Fun with Meredith and Owen and Emmett yesterday. I love her and I love her kid. There are a bunch of other new moms around open to connection in 2007. I need to make myself go out more with Emmett. I prefer to be out. It's just hard to get there.
My Dad's Lamps: Well, the postcard mailing was a disaster. Specifically, the US Post Office wouldn't deliver them! Almost all the postcards came back. I think the celebrities pay them off or something. The addresses were valid. They simply wouldn't deliver them. In the end, my dad's work is being taken by a woman down the street opening a Green store, with objects made of found and recycled items. I need to talk to Hunter about putting his computer earrings in there (Faith, if you're reading...mention to Hunter).
Copywriting: I realize, copywriting puts me in a bad mood. I love how much money I can make, but certain projects irritate me. I want to do advertising for myself.
Things to Do in 2007:
• I'm supposed to start a kid's band with my friend. We'll see if this happens. I'm open to it, but lately, projects that involve promotion seem a little overwhelming to me.
• Our business is supposed to be up and running this year
• I want the house to be more together. Specifically, new rugs (at least for upstairs), new paint and a fence or blocking.
• I want to take the following classes: Quark, InDesign, Cooking
I think of them everyday. I should make an inventions blog and just list them. It's ridiculous how many I think of.
Little updates about the people surrounding me:
Mike: Quit his job so we can work on the business. Since he did this, it seems non-stop graphic design work is coming in. Of course we have to take it because there's no regularity to freelance work. I'm okay with it. In fact, in some ways I'm proud of him.
Emmett: Emmett is an amazing, amazing child. There was a period of time that I wondered if he was blessed in a strange way. He's even tempered, and (for the most part) obedient. He's quiet and respectful. Last night, I told him he couldn't have his chompie before bed because his lip is swollen. He was crying for it and I kept going up to explain. At about 11:30, I heard him crying and went up. He told me that he found a chompie in his bed and gave it to me. I came back down and 5 minutes later he was crying for his chompie. The point is, he wouldn't take it until he had my permission.
Phil: Phil continues to be an incredible housemate and someone I admire. He's down-to-earth and rational, at the same time sensitive and honest. In some ways, Mike and I have decided that Phil is one of the most normal people we've ever met.
Wayne: Wayne is in and out in a dramatic relationship with his girlfriend Avery. I can't knock it because it seems passionate.
Jess & Colin: They moved and are still kind of MIA as they're getting it all together.
Faith & Hunter:I never see Hunter. Faith has a great blog.
Seph & Craig: These two make me laugh so hard when they're together.
Audrey: Her baby is due anytime. She's got 3 stores. She's successful, beautiful and has barely gained any weight during this pregnancy.
Ana:Ana is in LA helping Audrey and will probably move there for awhile. I miss Ana.
You looked fabulous on New Year's Eve.
Today I told your mom that I'm going to come kidnap you for a couple of hours.
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