Avondale & 700 Club

Yesterday's post didn't do justice to my Saturday night. As I posted, there were 3 parties in the past few days: Emmett's, Jessica's and Phil & Avery's. I should take some time to go into what was a significent Saturday night.
The 700 Club & Jessica's Birthday: Saturday night we celebrated a long awaited birthday for Jessica. We decided we wanted to go out dancing to what (has always been) one of my favorite bars in Philadelphia -- The 700 Club. In fact, in 1999, I wrote a very early online review for travelers (for free) because I loved the place so much. It's located a few doors down from where one of my old boyfriends used to live.
So, Saturday night, I got all ready in a glow in the dark skeleton t-shirt, a black skirt and sneakers and was gearing up to dance. We carpooled there and there were a bunch of us (maybe 20) that were all dancing around having fun. Seph was the first person on the dancefloor and set the stage for unabashed dancing and not caring what people thought. And eventually, we all got out there and were dancing around having a great time. Even Mike. Even Colin.

He said he didn't think he had it, but he'd play something of 80's rap. So on it went, and eventually I got sick of fake dancing. Let's face it. The dance for women to that kind of music is this sexy kind of grinding and I really didn't want to do that. I wanted to use energy.
So, I went outside and while I was pushing my way through I heard this guy (maybe say to his girlfriend) "See that girl. I'm not going to let her through". Because the music was getting on my nerves, I shoved him and pushed through. But then I realized he probably didn't even say that. That that's what I thought he would say and that I am very hard of hearing. But I didn't feel bad becaue I was (unbeknowst to me) hormonal due to "that time". I went back upstairs and had fun again for a little while, but the DJ's BO (I want it to be his) was getting on my nerves and the fact that we made up a large contingency of the dancing and he wasn't playing music for us. Or if he did, I didn't "feel" it.
Now the majority of this post is negative, but the truth is, I had a great time. I am focusing on the more interesting part which is my negative feelings for the sake of this post. On the upside, Jessica and I were pretending to be mimes briefly, I got to play pattycake, I did figure out how to dance to that music and everyone was having fun.
For her birthday, I found what I believe is the coolest TM I could find. It took awhile, but this is what she wanted me to give her and I wanted it to be better than a typical one. I'm going to show you the coolest TM (which I found out was also created by a Greek). Jessica, if you're reading this don't click the following link: http://www.brugomug.com/
Last thoughts. Everyone is having problems right now. I realize I'm becoming less confrontational as I get older and have more of a desire to avoid problems and run. I'm becoming more superficial and just want everyone to be happy. I never thought I'd become like this but I am.
thanks for organizing the event. The DJ truly sucked, but it was still a nice birthday thing. we need to find a better place to dance.
i'm tired of dealing with problems, too. I just want peace.
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