we are transitioning

In so many ways right now. Phil is living here. Ana is moving in. Wayne is staying with us. And in the process of all of this, our house is like a boundary for us. If it were up to me, I'd probably live in a house full of people. That's how I always liked it best.
So today, we cleared out the basement and our entire backyard is full of crap. It's stuff I don't want to tdeal with. I feel embarassed to the neighbors. I cleaned out Emmett's toys. I cleared out some of my old stuff. Half of it is at my friends warehouse. The other half is at J & C's house (the ebay stuff).
And I just accepted a freelance job. And mike just went on a job interview. And we're trying to get back into our business. And everything is transitioing right now.
But what I'm realizing is that everything has been transitioing for the past 5 years. I just want to know what my life is going to be.
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