Thursday, May 11, 2006

Emmett likes the same

cerael as me. It's frustrating, because we buy him his own kind but he just wants my Frosted Mini Wheats and I can never keep enough of them around. This has been my favorite kind of cerael for the past 3 years. And when asked the deeply profound question "Do you like the mini wheats or the regular ones better", I really couldn't figure out the answer. I like the struggle of the full sized kind, but always buy the mini wheats because they're easier to eat.

I wish I didn't have to eat anything and didn't have to feel hunger. I would be happy to cut this out of my life. I don't really enjoy eating or having to stop what I'm doing to eat. But when I do, cerael is probably my favorite food...and plain untoasted bread. Mainly because there is little work involved in the preparation.

This early mid-life crises continues. I've had opportunities to get out of it, but I force myself to continue so I can feel like the lifestyle I'm in, is one that I choose instead of one that I followed. for a long time, questions of anykind were just pushed away because it's much safer to not think. The result of this is a bitter sweet sadness and feeling a certain entrapment.

None of this is to say I don't adore my family because I do. I wish I didn't have this other side to me. It literally paralyses me from movement.

In the course of writing this, Emmett has spit out 5 spoonfuls of frosted mini wheats saying "yucky" and I got him a new bowlful. He did the same thing with that bowl and all I could think about was what a waste. Now he's eating Life.


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