Things I'm noticing as I'm getting older — Part I

2. Fingernails: :My fingernails used to stay clean for long periods of time. Now, they get dirty easily.
3. Driving: It feels kind of scary to drive at night or in the rain. When I was younger, I never "nearly" spun out of control in bad weather. Now it seems to happen all the time.
4. Hardcore Punk Music:I don't think it sounds good anymore. In fact, I find it annoying.
5. Debates: >Debates seem to be more serious, and a friendship could end because of one. This has forced me to be more "gray".
6. Books: I never understood reading more than one book at a time. I always thought it was "so intellectual" these people with a stack of books on their nightstands. Now, I am always reading more than one book and I understand it. It's not about being intellectual. It's about different projects and different interests all at the same time.
7. Cliches: The term "It's me, not you" when you're under 25 is a bold faced lie for the most part. Only now, do I really understand that term. It's possible to be in a relationship with someone you're in love with, and to hurt them (or break up with them) because you are so depressed or so miserable. And the term "It's me, not you" would make sense. That phrase does not apply to the 17 year old boy who's just not interested in the girl any more. yes, technically, it is he and not she that is the problem. But the connotation is that there's more. I finally believe this can be true.
8. Taxes: I understand tax loop holes and think of them myself. They're not as complicated or "high business" as I used to think they were.
9. Sleeping: I finally understsand why people want to "sleep in their own bed" and not crash on our air matress.
10. Bruising: Bumping into things hurts more now and I bruise more easily.
11. Gray Hair: I understand why women with grey hair don't dye it (like in my case). It takes upkeep and time.
12. Drinking: The morning after getting wasted is no longer worth the night before. And throughout the drunken experience, I think I should make myself have as much fun as possible, because I know I'll pay for it regardless.
13. Moving My Neck: I can't (physically) move my head as fast as I could when I was younger. If I move my neck too fast, I feel like I could do some permanent damage.
14. Medical Science: Medical science can't fix everything. I get this, because there are some things that it can't fix on me.
15. Therapy: I always thought therapy was a magic cure to problems, and I finally realize that the results are tiny. It's like an overweight person working out 3 times a week. Their body will become firmer, but there won't be a dramatic change. Unless they alter their diet.
16. Skin: The skin on my forehead is rough and thick.
17. Wrinkled Clothing: I can't get away with wearing wrinkled clothes anymore. It makes me look sloppy.
18. Waking Up: When I was younger, I could sleep with my hair in a bun and I'd wake up and it would be in exactly the same position -- good enough to wear the next day without having to "redo" it.
19. Face: My pores are getting bigger.My eyes are getting smaller.
20. Smells: My sense of smell is getting stronger.
21. Lyrics: The lyrics in music are more important than the words.
22. Fear: I've stopped going on roller coasters. I can't do the biggest ride in the theme park anymore.
23. Style: I want my furniture to match.
24. Mornings: I can't sleep past 10AM. Most days I wake up at 8.
25. Crying: Emotionally, I cry in these quick little spurts. I could be watching something on TV and burst into tears for about 5 seconds and then stop.
26. Grudges: I hold grudges longer.
these are so interesting to read.
...isn't this part 2?
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