I see my marriage

like I see color.
My personality is a primary color like red, with firey loudness and high strung emotion. I feel everything passionately. I have strong opinions. I experience euphoria and depression. I am a dreamer and an idealist with one predominent streak of pure color.
Mike's personality is a mixture of all different colors. He has an appreciation of moderation and blend. He observes and trys new things, taking little bits of color and adding it to who he is. And what that makes is a neutral color -- a combination of a bunch of different colors, but a more beautiful version of the original colors.
What I'm realizing is that even though red is a more shocking and bold color, I like neutrals and earthtones better. And although I've always felt that Mike accents my personality, I'm starting to realize that I accent his. All this frustration with my predominance in our marriage is (in some ways) incorrect. Because if I really think about it, our lives are more neutral. I've adapted to HIS way, and slowly but surely am taking the harshness out of my own red.
I'm glad you see it this way. In my mind, you both compliment each other well.
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