So, I'm sorry

that I've been negative and not available. Things are drastically improving. Our house is getting into order. We have a plan on what we're doing. Most importantly, I have a closet.
Thank you to everyone who called me and cares so much. And thank you to C & J for watching Emmett Sunday. You have no idea of how much we got done.
For the next month, I'm going into recluse mode to try to get things done. I'm sorry to all my friends, but I'm going to be in most of the time. I really need to get fully unpacked and organized.
We're having an open house/housewarming party on New Years Day (after the Mummer's Parade) from like 3-8 or something like that. So, you know well in advance. It's an open invitation for anyone to stop by...
Maybe you can make organizing and getting your home together some kind of a a fun way like you do with everything else social, parties, etc. You do great at that.
I think it's good to set time aside to just focus and get things done...but remember if you just NEED to step away for a day, not to hold yourself too strictly to that or you'll really resent the fact that you have to do it in the first place.
I was trying to decide whether or not I'd stay in VT over New Years, you are helping to sway my decision with that invitation!!!
You just do what you need to do; everyone understands and there's no apology needed. And don't hesitate to call on us if you need help with something-- the house, babysitting, an errand, etc. I agree with CTF, too, that you should allow yourself some time to just relax and/or have fun...
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