Saturday, October 22, 2005

Chemistry is something

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
I'm still trying to figure out. And to me, the people in this photo don't have it...but who knows. This post is about chemistry.

Frae's friend B.T. is most likely coming in from LA for a big Thanksgiving dinner (that he plans to make). He was in town yesterday and committed to this.

I threw out an idea I've had for a long, long time for a real life "Dating Game" where the guy gets his choice of 3 women, hidden, and talks to them (without seeing their faces) and decides which of them to take out on a date.

He was into it, and I began making calls thinking of it as a huge event. I may even have found a space for it. I called my idea friend to tell him about it, we began brainstorming about the idea of a dating event that's different. After many many rounds of ideas (including table changing, freeze tag etc.), I was most excited by this idea:

An event called "Chemistry". The event would involve a group of people, pre-screened and deteremined to get along with all the basics. The event would be only to discover physical chemistry.

People would never see each others faces. They would stand back to back and feel what they could feel. They would catch calculated glimpses of each other, but the event would be more about determining the chemical attraction two people have to each other.

At the end of the event, I'm not sure exactly what happens, but one idea is that the individuals would state the person numbers that they felt chemistry with, and they would begin to email (if both parties agreed).

The point would be to skip the step of "who's supposed to get along" and get right to what makes relationships go which is chemical attraction. It's something I've never fully understood, but something I'm keenly aware of. I've felt chemistry with people walking past me at a supermarket. It's a weird physical reaction and I want the event to expose only that.

We're still going to do the original idea for BT, but this idea sounds a little more unusual.

Other ideas included:

• Indie Dating Event (incoroporating music)
• Game Group (where people play kids games like Freeze Tag etc.)
• Photo Scavenger Hunt
• Compettition Dating
• More produced ideas, designed for TV


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right...good idea elisabeth...but why would people elect to participate?...and how? promoted through the internet...

This reminds me of experiment movies like "the experiment" or the "truman show"...

Then you could get the satisfaction of having fostered an environment that brought two people together who may have otherwise never met...

At 7:42 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I love the chemistry idea! That is so interesting and fresh. Maybe that can be round 2 of the Dating Game.

I like the others, too, but feel that "indie" music is mostly mainstream at this point, so it wouldn't help match people (whereas it might have helped in the past). But music is always a nice complement to things.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger AWStiles said...

hmm, i had been thinking about something along those lines, like a junior high dance theme, in december or january (or even valentine's day) . kind of like a mixer for people who despise mixers. get djs instead of bands. cg and i even were at this great place on saturday that might work, and the dude owes me one.


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