Monday, October 17, 2005

Here's the real scene at 8:25 AM Monday Morning.

surprise adventure tours
surprise adventure tours,
originally uploaded by sabbeth.

COLD: I'm over it.

AUD'S BIRTHDAY: I got her something super special. I don't want to post it here because who knows, she might read it before it comes. If you want to see it, email me.

HOUSE: On Wed., we're starting the heater process and I can't wait becuase it's FREEZING.

PROVIDENCE RI: Tickets are $29 one way to RI and NH, two places I've always wanted to see. But you have to go this weekend or one of the first two in November. Anyone want to go?

GOALS: I realize from reading SB's blog and FRAE's blog that we are all thinking in the same weird way lately. Mike and I saw Life Aquatic and we had an odd reaction. For Mike, he felt inadequate and a desire to do more adventuerous things. For me, I felt a tug to life a little more aloofly, not following rules. The conversation that we had concluded with this realization: We are not those people and we'll never feel satisfied by the adventure or mood of our goals, because our goals aren't glamorous. For me, all I want is to own a business and keep doing strange fun things with my friends. As simple as this sounds, that's enough for me. What I need to reconcile is that that's who I really am.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

For me, there's a part that just wants to do fun goofy things with my friends, but there's this other part that wants to be famous and respected and do important things. It's all ego. Blech.


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