Sunday, October 16, 2005

We're on our anniversary trip

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
And I'm watching Mike as he tries to hang a pink blanket over the door in this Maryland Chesepeake house we're in. He needs a haircut pretty desperately, but somehow, these days. Doing things like getting a haircut feels impossibly difficult.

We came in on Friday night, despite the fact that I was (and am) very, very sick. I didn't want to go. I was coughing flem, sneezing constantly, headachy, stuffy etc. etc. I knew I should be happy with the anniversary gift and want to go, but a 4 hour trip seemed draining. So, I called Jessica to confirm that I should not try to get out of going. She was at a Pornographers show. I called Craig who'd just spent the week with me. Iknew he'd regurgetate the advice I needed him to and he did.

We drove out here at 11 and got in at 3. I slept most of the way. The house is so modern and cool and ugly, all at the same time. It's newly built with gigantic windows all around the second story living room. Called "The Sunrise/Sunset House", you can see both along with a view of the Chespake bay. I've slept most of the time we've been here and am almost over my cold. It's been a good, very relaxing anniversary.

We're about to watch Life Aquatic which Colin lent us. Emmett's down for his nap. Mike is dealing with the glare on the TV since all these beautiful windows have no curtains. The sun is streaming in and Mike is ready. I'll write more soon.


At 10:31 AM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I'm so sorry you were sick, but the place sounds beautiful and it seems like you had a great time.


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