Sunday, October 16, 2005

So, it's been forever

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
since I blogged and every day that passes means another day I don't dare logon because I know how behind I am. Both with this blog, and even more with Emmett's. Tehre's so much that's happened. So many thoughts I've been wanting to write down. So many realizations I've come to and so many things that have happened.

In terms of living in our new house, I love it and hate it at the same time. The house is small for us. The drop ceilings, blue carpet and fake brick is getting on my nerves and gives me little incentive to decorate. Yet, I love being here and I love the fact that we have something that's ours. But it's not how I thought it would be. I thought that I would care about every detail being perfect, but I don't. I just want this to be livable.

I've stopped working for my old client, pretty much officially. He continues to pay drastically late and this time, one of the invoices is 4 months overdue. I'm looking for new work and may have found some. Being a copywriter is awesome because there are so few. Finding work is not that hard.


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