Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
is like a class trip for me.

I'm filled with anticipation and am consumed with thoughts equilivent to wrapping my can of soda in aluminum foil, so it stays cold.

But in reality, tomorrow's our house settlement. And somehow the only way to describe the anticipation, the excitement and the nervousness is how I felt at 7 years old, knowing that tomorrow was the day I'd been waiting for since I brought in my signed permission slip.

At a wedding I went to this weekend, I stood in an unairconditioned bathroom with 2 girls from high school and talked about anxiety -- something all 3 of us share. Since I was 7 years old, I've gotten an anxiety attack on almost every class trip I attended. This analogy for me isn't just about the excitement. It's about an anticipation so great, it swerves into nervousness.

I feel slightly unable to do anything. Jessica and Faith have been the air in my windmill. They are the ones that helped me get anything done. Other than that, I'm just sitting around with flies in my stomach, unsure of exactly what to do.


At 10:30 AM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

Although it's stressful, I'm glad that excitement is in the mix along with the nervousness. Looking forward to helping you get the house in shape!
(I like the "flies in stomach" description, btw)

At 12:44 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Butterflies are a cute, fun nervous feeling. This is a little bit different.


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