Monday, August 01, 2005

Packing is hard.

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
I was amped this morning and I got like 10 boxes packed, but I feel like I can't do anything. Emmett finally took his nap...I'm not taking him to swim class (it starts in 20 minutes) and I don't know what to do. I hate packing and I feel like I'm doing nothing but checking blogs in an effort to not have to figure out what I'm doing.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...


At 9:14 AM, Blogger FRITZ said...

I hate packing, too. I moved from a studio apartment into a nice big one with Michael. As I was packing up my tiny studio I had lived in for three years, I couldn't believe how much CRAP I accrued. I threw so much stuff out, I thought for sure I would miss it. Man, I don't miss a thing. Secondly, all this gave me good reason to go to the new IKEA in Atlanta...what a terrible, awful place. Every corner is filled with something I want.
Are you moving from Philly?

At 9:18 AM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Fritz -- We're actually moving back into Philly, where I lived for much of my adult life. Mike and I moved to Los Angeles for a little over a year, I got pregnant accidentally, and we moved back to a house my parents own that's behind their house.

Now we're moving from here, back into Philly, where we bought our first house.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger sabbeth said...

My parents live in a "suburb" outside of Philly called "Avondale". It's about an hour outside of the city.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger FRITZ said...

Are you with child now, or have you had the surprise?
I don't have any children, and am not too sure about how anyone can really afford kids anymore. But one day, I think I would like to have a baby. If everything is just so...
Of course, I don't think God really works on our schedule. So who knows? I keep having that nightmare...I get pregnant and have to tell my parents and all that...not being married (YET). Ach, the shock!
I'm glad you're getting back to your roots. I miss Chicago so much (where I was born).

At 2:58 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Fritz -- I had the baby and named him Emmett. He's 20 months now and is the delight of my life.

I LOVE Chicago. It is an incredible city. For awhile, I really wanted to move there, but it never happened. It is truly an amazing city.


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