Monday, August 01, 2005

There are some pretty

Amazing but true web
Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
amazing things that happened this weekend. In all reality, they're probably not amazing enough to deserve a stamp like this one. But in my life, they're amazing.

New Blog Friend: I found another blogger that's "like us" and not only that -- her name is Elizabeth and her boyfriend's name is Michael.

It was in a desperate attempt to find anything new to read (becuase there has been great silence in Blogland lately) that I decided to hit "View Next Blog" and stumbled upon hers. She seems to have the same type of analyzing qualities that we do. Plus she's funny. Plus she writes well. Check her out HERE.

The Bachlorette Party: I'm not really into these anyway, but we went becuase Vicki wanted us to. And I admit, that when we got there, Chris, Stephanie, Seema and I (the latter two were girls from our high school) we did feel sort of superior when seeing the "other" party attendees.

They were soccer momish, with soft coral scoop neck shirts, thin gold necklaces & glittery charms, tapered pants, curled under hair with thin sheets of curled bangs, and pumps. In fact, I couldn't tell which ones were there if you gave me a line up of 10.

Our group, the Upper Darby group, was the "cool" side of the table. We were all dressed a little freaky. We were all well cultured with unusual discussion and conversation. And I admitted (and the other girls admitted) that we weren't really interested in that other group of 7.

To make a long story short, some people got alcohol and some people didn't and when the bill came, we split it into 11. The total was $55 each (for everything).

When the 4 non-drinkers heard this, they hit the ceiling. They REFUSED to pay for drinks they didn't have. Hand on hip, one woman declared that "$55 for that!". Another said "I only had one drink from the pitcher!"

In retrospect, I wonder if this reaction had less to do with the money and more to do with our snobbery. I feel badly about this. It shows how totally close-minded I am.

Being Called Hott: This is the second time in the past 3 months. As a mom, you have NO IDEA of how much this does for my self-esteem.

My conversation with Chris: On Sunday morning I had an impromptu Bible Study with Chris and it was AMAZING. We talked and prayed for 3 hours and God was with us and we both feel 'on track' becuase of it.

J & F -- I want to start driving into Philly once a week and we can have a Bible Study at Chris' house one night. Are you guys interested?

Other Events
• I found out Phil is pulling back from me becuase of my religion. When I heard about this, I got upset and again realized how hard it is to be a Chrisitan.

• Audrey is coming in this weekend and I want to make it fun and special for her. Any ideas for a Fun Club event Saturday?

• I went to Yard Sales and bought some furniture for our new house.

• I am going to start packing today.

• Fritz, my new online friend, has made me really happy. I want you guys to meet her.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger FRITZ said...

Dear Elisabeth!

I wrote this huge long comment and it got lost while I was trying to save it...contrary machines...

First of all, thank you for your accolades about my pictures! Please, feel free to use any of them for any purpose if you so choose. I haven't figured out that watermark thing in the photo program and so am willing to share with the world. It is just so pleasant to have someone make a note about them.
Secondly, we must be kindred spirits. Anne G asked me if you were an Alter-Ego of mine and I made you up!!! How funny!
Thirdly, thank you for asking people to see my site! I tell you, if I had stumbled across yours in the same manner you stumbled across mine, I would be as excited to find someone as cool as yourself.
And lastly: I appreciate your note about suburbs and nature, either human, earthly, or Godly, pushing us back to the hills and away from the city. I wish the whole country were filled with the little towns of yesteryears. Those towns took care of one another without the long transportation issues of city/suburb dwelling. Each town could support itself, foodwise, economy wise, etc.
Here is a wierd scientific fact that I read about in 'The Sun' (a really cool magazine...). Mammals live in groups of size according to the brain size of the species. So, chimps with a brain size of X live in groups as large as Y. When Y is exceeded, the chimps split into different groups with new alpha and beta members.
The human brain was measured, and that ratio turned out to be about 250 people in a social group. That means that we all would work better if there were only 250 people in our 'town'. Even wierder? In nomad communities in Saudi Arabia and Siberia, when the group hits 250, guess what happens? It splits, and forms new leaders.
Social mitosis.
Unfortunately, we kinda disrupted this system with cities and suburbs. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE cities. I love diffent folks and all the activities and cultural things.
But it's something to think about.
By the way, I also face the same issue with being an 'intellectual funky chick'. Although I really try to treat everyone in a kind manner and love people who I don't like, I still can be a cultural snob. However, I feel that being aware of this is the first part of extending a hand to those who are different.

God Bless!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

-Fritz seems great. I look forward to reading her stuff when I have a minute.
-I'm glad you and Chris had a good Bible study & experience.
-I can understand not wanting to pay for drinks you didn't order.
-I would love to do the Bible study! We can do it at my house sometimes, too.
-How long is Aud in town?

At 2:12 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Aud's in town for the weekend...I know you guys will be gone. And in terms of the Bible Study, Chris is going to get back to me with a night that works for her. I will drive downtown once a week until we move there for this....

At 7:46 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Okay Faith...No big deal. Maybe I will come to that when we move downtown. For right now, I want to have a small, intimate group that gets very personal. Eventually, I'd like to come to that as well.

At 8:03 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

Fritz--Thanks for that weird bit of info from the Sun.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger FRITZ said...

It WAS wierd, wasn't it. The sad thing is, the article was SO strange that I will remember that peice of information to my dying day...but I can't for the life of me remember where I put the garage door opener...


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