Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I feel like the ride is stuck

Originally uploaded by elisabethie.
And everything is still spinning. And the ground feels like it's moving. And we're just slowly twirling and I can't really stop it.

I miss everything being normal.

FHG came over yesterday and helped me pack.Having a baby and figuring out how to pack is impossible. She did so much. Thank you.

At the same time as all of this is happening, we have fleas.

We are vaccumming and washing every night. Mike says I should keep this private. That people with fleas connotate messy, dirty people. I never even knew that before and it's enough of a problem to disregard this.

Last night I had a dream that there was some man that I got along with pretty well and he wanted to marry me. I casually asked aboutr money and I learned that he was worth 5 million dollars. The rest of the dream was dreaming about how much easier this would be if we were moving into a place that was "ready" for us.

My parents are busily packing.
They are moving in here when we leave, and this is complicating everything.

We still have work to do. And it's work we're not being paid for.

Our marriage is OK. We are stressed and if you hung out with us, you'd never know it. But we are a mess right now.


At 12:20 PM, Blogger sabbeth said...

They are renting the place they're in now and they are all (including A) moving in here.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

Ugh. I am so sorry about the fleas. Anyone who knows you knows that you are an EXTREMELY clean person (and so is MG). If you can get them, anyone can.
I will come help you soon with the packing.
And as you told me, I think your dream comes from stress and a wish that things could just be easy and done. Hang in there. It will be worth it.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger ctf said...

Having just moved, I can relate to a fraction of your stress...although I did not purchase the place, am just renting. Just know that after all the work and stress, you will be in a new area with things to explore and new memories to be made. I am still searching for things in boxes, but am loving the new adventure of a new home and neighborhood.

I grew up on a sandy hill...we dealt with fleas from our pets and occasionally from the sand (aka sand fleas). We also dealt with head lice once which we acquired because I had lent my sweatshirt to a girl on our field trip. (she was known to have had "cooties" but I didn't care). Don't worry about the taboos. It's not like you are going to let the fleas fester without dealing with them.


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