Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm starting to rethink

originally uploaded by sabbeth.
everything i know and it's leading to strange thoughts every day.

Here's the philosophical scene at 8:25 AM Monday Morning.

What if newborn babies have the mental apitude of very old people, but are limited in their audio and motor skills and slowly, with each year, they lose their intelligence, slowly declining to toddler. In other words, what if when you're an infant, you're concious of it...knowing everything that's happening, but unable to respond and you slowly lose your intelligence and memory and have to start over. I say this because there's a strange old wisdom in the eyes of an infant.

And what if there are parallel truths, which is something we can't understand. Like what if an absolute that I believe in God is coupled by a paralleling absolute, and they're both true even though they contradict each other. I'm very aware that I could never understand this, which makes me think it's possible.

It's an odd thing lately. I am opening my mind in every way I think, and I'm not sure why. Some of my thoughts are too unsteady to write here. But truly, I'm thinking less safely lately and I can see that it's scaring Mike.


At 10:30 AM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I pretty much believe that second thought of yours, esp. in terms of religion. Like Pi in the Life of Pi. It's all true, but none of it is the complete truth, b/c we could never understand the complete truth. Only God can.


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