Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm in

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
a bad mood.

Today is a crappy, ugly day and I want to be in a clean, perfect house. I'm eternally tired, I'm sick of feeling a little bit sick, and I don't like the way noise sounds or skin looks today.

On the up side, everyone is very nice to me on rainy days. I'm not sure why. It's something I've pondered with Mike. Strangers talk to me endlessly (about medical problems, their birds, offering me help etc.), but only on rainy days.

Usually, the rain is like a snow day for me. But today, it's not. There was a period of time this morning where Emmett's voice was grating on me. I ended up in an avalance of tears, with Ana as my counselor.

I feel like an inadequate mother. That's the bottom line.


At 3:58 PM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. Your sickness, the relentless bad weather, the unsettled house ...it's understandable. But I wish you wouldn't doubt your ability as a mother. You are a devoted, natural, exceptional
mom. There's a reason all those kids flock to you in play group.


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