It's a scary week for me,

Valentine's week.
During this week, all the candy is drastically reduced and next week, it will be even more. In fact, next week, CVS will have perfectly good Valentine's candy at 80% off. The deal itself is hard for me to pass up. Many times, when I pay regular price for a candy bar, I wish it were "after" a holiday. And usually, I buy tons of it (with Mike looking at me like I'm insane), come home, and store the candy in the freezer. I look carefully for candy that has a superficial wrappying (Russel Stover usually does -- you can peel away the paper and it's wrapped in regular plastic and looks like a regular box of candy).
The cheapness is incredible and it's getting more pronounced over the years. Mike and I cannot pass up a good deal. We stop and get McD.onalds dollar milkshakes because I read that everytime they sell something from their dollar menu without sides, the company looses money. And how DARE anyone make a dime off of us.
In the spirit of this, Threadless (my favorite tshirt company) is having a $10 tshirt sale until Feb. 25. Click here: Threadless and enter this code tenbucks20 when you check out. All the tshirts will come up $10.
In other news:
Life Events: We went to Florida for my neice's Christening. That was fine. Then we went to Vermont to see Mike's estranged sister and her daughter. That was very difficult on many levels. Particularly, my position was strange because I had to be "neutral" listening to both sides and siding with everyone. The family uses me as a sound board often and the "savior" when someone snaps at someone else. "Did you feel that was strange Elisabeth". And of course, I say no.
Ad Idea:For months now, I've been visualizing this anti-smoking ad where there's a picture of a mother slashing her wrists and the back of a child watching with the words "This is what your child sees every time you smoke".
Freelance Work: Monday, I go for an interview in Baltimore MD for freelance work that could really help us. The job sounds exciting and I think it will yield more work. I need to work on many levels (both financially and intellectually).
House:Thank God we haven't done any major changes. Every day I get a different sense of what I want to do. Right now it's hardwood floors.
Mike and My Relationship: We have a marriage counseling appointment to deal with one particular issue that's been infecting our marriage lately. I dread it because there's the desire in me to run.
Wayne Living Here: This is working out great.
OK. I've been an absentee poster for months. I should go back into my cave for awhile. I'll try to write more regularly, but as this is a non-searchable site, you all kind of know what's going on.
That ad idea is intense. I haven't smoked in a couple of weeks, but just because i haven't had a ton of xtra money for cigarettes. My grandmother just got diagnosed with lung cancer and has to have an upper lobe of her lung'd think that would be a kick in my ass not to smoke, but it's really not. Actually the whole car/clothes smell thing bothers me more than the health risks.
I will pray that if the MD job is right for you, that it will work out.
I love your house and the sparkly ceiling
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oops, that was me (above). What i said was that i never want to nag you or make you feel judged, but I do really wish you would quit smoking b/c it worries me. I'll pray for this and that you get a job you like.
Have fun on the Baltimore trip!
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