Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm trying to get through this.

Christmas destroyed the order I have in my life. I have a million returns, rebates and all this other stuff to do. Our house is way too small, and as a packrat and a deal finder, storing things is impossible.There are a million fun things to do and there's no time. And even when there is, I don't allow myself to do it because I feel too guilty about not spending time with Emmett.

But lately, I've been partying a lot to avoid all of this and I'm feeling very far away from God. I'm questioning his existance. I feel very suffocated in this role. I woke up Sunday morning not feeling like being a Mom. I woke up Saturday morning not feeling like being a wife.

So. That's a post. I wish I were posting in here more often. There's no time for anything. I'm becoming a recluse.


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