I've always had this belief

Okay. Let me put it more practically.
Here's the situation. I walk into a room and begin talking to 4 friends. All of the sudden, one of those friends disagrees with me in a way that points out a tinge of something negative or irritated. After immediately noticing and dissecting it, I'd conclude that the person is slightly irritated with me because **insert applicable reason** (I'm dominating the conversation and they feel secondary, I interrupted the conversation, I am not including them enough, I said something contraversial etc.). I confront the person and it turns out to be true, but maybe not as prominent as I thought.
I'm starting to wonder if this ability, that most of my friends seem to have, is actually moving toward a human trait that will come later. That we've developed so mentally, that mind-reading is actually a composite of generalized knowledge of the human condition, mixed with cues found in tone and presentation, that can lead to understanding the way MOST people think. That it's not as "supernatural" as everyone thought.
Having said that this is my theory, I don't think me or anyone else I know has it right. Very often, we'll get a perception that something is happening and we're off. We're right that something is going on, but our conclusion might be incorrect (self-focused) or overblown (there is a shred of truth, but it's minor). For some reason, that old game "The Simms" supports this theory for me in that it generalizes certain reactions to socializing. (Too much talking can turn a person off etc.)
I wonder if in 300 years, human beings will be able to accurately read minds with regard to emotion, and that we're seeing the beginning of this now. Certain individuals (who are swirling around me) suffer with an unrefined ability in this, but because we are in the early stages of this understanding, it's unpleasant and self-focused. What if non-verbal cues leading to emotional feeling becomes a basic human function. (And my mind goes wild about how people will present themselves, how there will be more care in interaction etc.) What a creepy thought.
Having said this, I don't think we'll ever be telling fortunes like my picture shows (aside from obvious cases with people under 18 based on life choices they're making and statistics). I just liked that picture.
This is one of the more interesting pieces I've read recently... I'm right there with ya, it creeps me out to think about the development and advancement of communication. I would never want my perception to be too keen - it would drive me mad if I knew some of the emotions hiding behind most of my interactions with others.
Ever see the episode of Buffy, when she gets the ability to read minds? What a freakin' curse!
Man, it would be nice to think that all this paranoia and neurosis is a form of advanced thinking, however creepy the implications for the future. I just tend to think of it as a strong argument for a stiff drink.
Sometimes I wonder if people like us only make it worse for each other...bring it out more in each other. Maybe if we were forced to squelch it, it would go away. As they say in AA, "Fake it till you make it"
that last post was jb, by the way
now i'm posting so you will look at your blog and say "wow, four comments!"
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