Monday, July 21, 2008

This part is all about my kids.

The summer is going so fast. I continue to struggle with playing. Emmett asks me to play and I can't seem to play like him. He plays where, most of the time, he's telling me what's happening or how to play. I keep saying "Emmett, let's just actually play".

In addition, I've begun introducing my Greek side to Emmett. That side is tough, blunt and straight. It's how my grandfather was and it's how I am too. Instead of faking this sugar sweet persona all the time, sometimes I allow myself to say "Emmett, I'm doing something. Wait and leave me alone and then I will help you." And he's responding to it. It's working. He's starting to understand that it's not mean. And he's doing it back. 'Mommy...wait a SECOND. I don't want to talk right now".

I called to get Emmett skateboarding lessons and breakdancing lessons and will sign him up as soon as they get back to me. All he really wants to do is boyscouts, but he's too young. I can't wait until he's old enough. He will get so into it.

In August, I'm sending him to the Franklin Institute camp for 2 weeks. Emmett is so cute with how great he thinks skaters are. Once he said "Mommy, look there's a real live skater!" Yesterday he said, "Mommy, I think that was actually Tony Hawk on that skateboard". Emmett continues to amaze me with how intrinsically cool he is. He is a genuine artist, even at this age. He spends a great deal of time drawing and painting. And he'll do these little details that remind me of my dad. He'll color something in and make the tip of it neon green. Or he'll draw all these little boxes and color them in in this scratchy (intentionally) kind of way. He's drawn to the music I like. He's slightly rebellious (I'm dealing with this). He's also very sensitive. I'm also dealing with this. As a sensitive person, I'm trying to help him build some defenses in that area. I don't want Emmett to go through life feeling hurt or being the weak kid. I want him to learn how to react strongly from a young age, so this is part of what I'm working on. In addition, I've (almost) successfully taught him the alphabet by flash card. Every morning we work on it and when we don't, he reminds me.

When we were shopping for Mike's presents, Emmett was "helping me" the whole time. I explained to him what we were looking for and he kept presenting me with possibilities. I told him we're looking for something that wasn't too loud. I explained we wanted an image in low contrast. For father's day and for this birthday, Emmett ended up picking out two things that mike loved. They passed my test and I think they're even more special to Mike in that they came from Emmett.

The pool is not as big a deal this year as it was last year. I think I need to have an all day pool party open house for Emmett and his friends. Maybe on a Saturday, I'll make a 12-4 pool party for him, just because. He has so much more fun with a friend in there.

Now. Onto Ethan.

Ethan, my baby. He is so big. So cute. So boyish and brute. A week ago, he started crawling. Now he's actually pulling himself up to stand. He literally, stands up and tries to walk. He's very silly and funny. He thinks I am a standup comedian when I play certain little games with him in the morning, specifically the "Surprise" game. I put him down to change his diaper and say "Do you have a surprise in there for me?". Then I open it up and close it really fast. He thinks this is the funniest thing ever and is particularly into the game if he has poop. He tries to talk constantly. He says Dada (sort of) and sings along with his mobile. This is the cutest thing ever. I sing my own version of "It's a small world" to a changing table mobile that "kind of" sounds like that song, and Ethan literally sings along. He's okay in the car. He's okay with almost everything. He doesn't complain. Sometimes, if we don't understand him, he gets frustrated. Bottom line, he's like a good old boy. He's cool with everything. He doesn't mind getting hurt (which has happened accidentally). He doesn't mind falling backwards. he doesn't mind a thousand kisses. If I'm laughing, he's laughing. The child (literally) wakes up smiling. Thank you God!

Yesterday, we all went out shopping with Mike and I (for the first time ever) really felt like the female of our family. I was very aware that I was the one that was leading my boys around. And they are my boys and, I'm the one that cares the most, so they let me do things my way. I decide the outfits. I decide the activity. I call what, when, where and why because I'm like their little bee with these guys...that are really just guys.

I really, really love my family.

Picture is from when Kalpona was visiting. She gave us all Bangladesh clothes


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