Emmett's dream.

Dream #1-Alien
Emmett and I were in the house and there was a little alien. We were crawling across the living room, trying to get away from it. Then, Emmett and his friends started to fight the alien. The alien had red circles around it's eyes and was little. Then, the alien said "Good" and Emmett knew that he was saying "I'm good". So they stopped fighting the alien. Then, he turned into a little circle on the floor and Emmett wanted to keep him, but he had to go away. When I asked Emmett where I was, he said I was not there during the fight, I was in the basement. I asked him how he was fighting the alien, he said they were punching it, but he wasn't getting hurt. I asked him about where the alien went and he said well, the alien became a little circle and had to hide when Mommy's friends came over, like in the drawer that holds our cameras and that when someone like Seph came over we would tell him he was good and he would only make a joke and wouldn't hurt him.
Dream #2-Night Ghost
Emmett and Aunt Ana were walking and stopped at a shop (not a store. a shop)because one of Emmett's shoes came off. Then, he and Mike were standing by a circle on the ground (which he feels is a real circle and place in Philadelphia. In the circle was a picture of an Indian with all stuff around it. Emmett knew that in the night ghost's heart, he was going to come up to them, but in the dream he wasn't scared. When he woke up, he was scared.
I asked Emmett to draw pictures of his dream, and the ones I've included are what he drew of the alien. If you look closely, you can see red around the eyes. He can't draw it exactly, but I just said to draw even if you make some parts up.
So I talked to Emmett and said "Emmett, if we were ever in a movie, like Star Wars, the one that would be fighting would be Mommy, not Emmett. I'm concerned about Emmett feeling like he has to protect himself and protect us. I'm also concerned that he feels he has to hide an alien from MY friends. I'm concerned that my friends play a major part in his life. And, about the ghost dream, if you know me well, you know why I'm concerned about this.
Em is so creative, even when he's asleep. These dreams are very artistic.
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