I had the best mother's day!

Mike gave me 2 boxes and told me to pick one. Both had beautiful, beautiful Anthropolgie clothes. The first box had a brown tank top with an earthy, 70's style color rainbow around the shoulders and a super cool red skirt that's not too old or too young. The second box had a beautiful, beautiful red and cream Lithe dress. I love them both.
We got ready and I asked if they would all be willing to wear the same shirt as me and Mike (reluctantly) said okay, and we went to lunch at a cafe having a special Mother's Day luncheon. It was wonderful. On the table was a caraffe of coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice. I got an omelette with spinach and goatcheese a mixed greens salad and desert.
It was a total blessing for me. I've written this before and I'll write it again. Mother's Day means more to me than my birthday and this has been the best ever. I feel totally blessed and loved.
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