I get into these funks sometimes

when I don't write a lot. I stop thinking about things. I am just doing. And during these times, I think of things and promise myself to think about them more later. It's weird, when I was little, I remember hearing people say "I'll have to think about that" and that combination of words being so confusing to me. Scheduling a thought? I always thought it was just some kind of an excuse that adults used because you can think whenever you want to. I always felt, don't you know what you think?
As I'm getting older, I get it. I understand why you would intentionally think about something, particularly when making a decision. I also understand trying to remember something which is really hard for me. My memory is so bad, it's actually scary. I have no short term memory and this includes names, events -- almost everything. And what freaks me out is sometimes what I remember isn't what happened. I'm going to be one of those old ladies with glory years stories that didn't happen. For that reason, I'm going to write them down.
Best Burger in Philly night: I took my friend out for his birthday to have the "best burger in Philly". It's supposed to be this one. Not only was this not the best burger in Philly, it was totally disgusting. It was filled with a gob of blue cheese. I ate 3 bites of mine and was done.
Kutztown Daytrip: Chris, Seph, Emily, Ethan, Emmett and I went to Kutztown for the folk fest. But it wasn't happening, so we ended up going to the Airport Diner, Renningers and to some weird Mennonite lady's house that had rooms and rooms of junk for sale. It was fun. I can't remember why, but I think music had something to do with it.
N o Sw eat Conference: We went to the N.S. Conference last week and made Living Room Clothing T-shirts. I was there for an hour and left stating to Mike "I hate these people". And I do. I hate them because they hate me. And they hate me becuase I'm trying to start a business and they think I should be in some kind of non profit organization. I could go on and on about how this mentality is so backwards to me, but I think you can fill in the gaps. The world needs both.
Kalpoona's Visit: Kalpoona came and visited after the conference. Kalpoona is the woman from Bangladesh that we're trying to work out a factory with. And we did. We did it while she was here. In the meantime, I'm going to post myspace pictures of my family in full Bangladesh garb including me in a full Sari (including balloon pants). I love Kalpona. I love that this is all happening.
Living Room T-shirts are in:Our first organic run is in. The sizes are slightly off, so we're selling them cheaper. We have black and white, organic shirts and I'm trying to think about what to do with them. They're perfectly made, I just like my clothes a tiny bit bigger. So. If you want one, these are $10 each. (They're blank).
Jess & Colin's New House: Friday night, jess and Colin had a little gathering to Christen their beautiful, new house. I felt the community I always want to feel going over there, sitting in the backyard and hanging out. My kids were there, some of their friends were there. It was just fun and laid back. No pretension. No pressure to look good. In fact, I was wearing different color flip flops, not on purpose. This is a true representation of my life right now.
Trip to Cantina with Chris & Phil: I begrudgingly went to the Cantina with Chris and Phil and had a good time, despite the fact that they never played my dollar costing juke box songs. I feel like some strange version of a new SEinfeld with them, but it's not Seinfeld, it's something else. Chris slept over and we hung out the next day. I wish she lived with me.
Work: I've been working for Dre xel at home which has been going pretty well. Each week, I'm getting about 10 hours from them. Last week, my paperwork with Com cast was finished and I'm going to start working with them in the next week or so. I'm very excited about this. In the meantime, Mike is home on and off. He's totally freelance now and it's working out okay. It's just hard to plan things like doctor's appointments or my work schedule. If he has to work, he goes in.
Hearing Test: As most of you know, I can't hear well. As I put it to Emmett, "I'm not good at hearing". I haven't had a hearing test done in years, but I decided I should deal with the grim reality. So, I hauled my kids up to the hearing doctor and got the test. I promised Emmett one dollar if he would help me with Ethan while I was inside the test. And he entertained him like he was being paid (which he was). After the test, the woman came out and sat down with me. "You do have some hearing loss". She said. "Specifically, you can't hear consanant sounds. (As she was saying it, I was realizing I couldn't hear HER consananat sounds very well). "At this point, you could opt for a hearing aid". She showed me my chart. "It's not going to get any better. Some people may choose to get one at this point. If you feel this isn't interfering with your life, you might want to wait." WTF. It is interfering with my life. I can't hear people, fill in blanks, and look stupid because I'm not getting it or am not hearing them, but I WILL NOT GET A HEARING AID AT 35. As we walked out, I became super atune to my hearing. She said "You can wait xxxxxxxxxx here". I couldn't hear if she said "right here" or "over there". I guessed, and started moving my kids "over there". She looked at me and said "No, right here and pointed". There's an example. So, I'm not getting a hearing aid and just so everyone knows, if you can please talk loud and understand that I'm really NOT dumb, I probably just can't hear you and (without even knowing it) am filling in the words I can't hear. At the end, I was presented with a form that said "Borderline canidate for Amplification".
Windsheild: The guy came to fix our cracked windshield on our car. He put the new one in, and it cracked again. he's coming today to put a new one in. I love my minivan. We just had it in the shop. I don't know that I will ever drive a different type of car. When Mike brought up that we'll have to get a new one soon, I said "I want the same one. Same year. Same model".
Mike's Birthday: Mike's birthday was yesterday and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I did things with attention. I spent last week trying to get him a cool t-shirt (impossible with this 80's thing). I literally saw a neon yellow Urkel shirt in Urban Outfitters with hot pink "spray paint" style letters. I can't stand the 80's thing unless it's for ironic (not iconic) purposes. And I think what hhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifappens is you start out being ironic and end up actually in the fashion. Like you can't tell anymore. You're just doing the 80's thing and no one knows you're being sarcastic because it's an actual fashion. But I digress. Here's what happened: Saturday night we all went out for a Surprise Adventure Tour to a comedy club called "Heluim" followed by a dive bar, Doobies, then back to my house. It wasn't the event I originally planned which involved a Limo and a trip through Mike's history via cleverly named locations, but it was still extremely fun. Then, there was drama which I won't even get into. But what do I expect. I'm always around it but realize all I want is peace and harmony. Sunday, we gave Mike his presents. Emmett picked out Obey bathing suit shorts which Mike really liked. I gave him 2 shirts and a pair of jeans from Urban Outfitters. I also showed him this tee, which I almost bought him, but wanted to check with him first. He loves the tee, which I'll order. He loved the (Levis 527 - Jade, on sale at Urbanoutffiters.com, but not on sale in the store). He loved the one shirt when he found out it was $9.99. He didn't love the other one. He felt like people would think he was gay. (It was a collar shirt with these human headed animals froliking around). I took him to Grasshopper to show him a jacket I considered getting him, then to Urban to show him the other things and return the shirt and exchange the pants (since, as I mentioned, I paid 46 for them, but on line they were 29.99). Easy and done. Then, jess and Colin came over, Mike made shishkabobs (I helped), we had cake, and I gave him his fixed amp. He was so happy.
It's taken me a long time to write this. I'm sure it's boring. It's really for myself so I can remember these things. Mike is now down here reading some boring papers. That's why I love this guy. He reads boring papers and finds them interesting. He doesn't have ADD. He doesn't need action. He's calm, peaceful, cultured and has amazing taste in almost everything.
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