Dream about Audrey

I went to Audrey's house (which was big and beautiful) and the check was sitting on the table. Audrey brought me into her kitchen secretly to show me. I was so excited because this radio thing (which was next to an under-counter kitchen radio) was hanging off the wall with all these wires coming out. I knew it was worth something, but $50,000 seemed insane. It did something with transmission and was high tech, but old high tech.
The girl had a very big, round, pug nose..mousy blonde/brown short hair, glasses, and was sort of in a hippie, earthy fashion -- but not done well. I was sitting in this waiting area and I heard them talking in the kitchen. The girl was saying she would be getting her paycheck the next week and I heard mumbling. All of the sudden, the girl came in smiling and Audrey motioned I should come into the kitchen.
Audrey whispered that the girl had somehow convinced Audrey to go online (possibly on this weird radio thing) and buy tickets to Puerto Rico (or some place like that) for her family because she was trying to make her boyfriend's family like her. She promised Audrey she'd pay her back the next week. I remember $700 coming into play and I'm not sure if it was per ticket or for all the tickets. Anyway, the girl saw us talking and started trying to "bond" about men saying "You know how you'll do anything for a guy. Well I love this guy and I just want him to love me. He's so beautiful. He's half Puerto Rican and half Irish". All of the sudden, the boyfriend came in the house. He was cute, sort of. He had very light blue eyes and blonde hair. He didn't look at all mixed like she was saying.
The girl managed to get invited for dinner, and there was this huge bag of fresh turkey meat on a shelf. I thought they may have brought it. I heard her say to her boyfriend "Oh, just ask Audrey, she can afford it." My mom was there all of the sudden too. I was like "What are you talking about" the girl said "All this. Her huge house. The black counters in the kitchen". I said "How dare you. They busted their asses to get where they are now. I watched them. They gave up everything. And if you had any idea of how much of the things you're seeing are used in here, HOW DARE YOU". And I grabbed her by the collar, and clutched her neck and threw her against a wall.
I sneered, grabbing her collar more tightly, "I know you think Audrey is so sweet and likes to help people, but I like to hurt people". She was looking up at me scared with her ugly big, pug nose that squashed her face. Our faces were like an inch a part and I grabbed her collar tighter. i said "If you don't pay her back in one week for this, I will find you and hurt you".
She got up, brushed off and walked out of the room and went upstairs to consult with her boyfriend. I went into the kitchen and told Audrey that I felt that she was being taken advantage of and Audrey listened. I was like "Audrye, just call the airline and tell them your kids called and booked the tickets". The two came down. The girl said "I'm still going to stay for dinner. I think we can work this out".
All of the sudden, this Puerto Rican old lady came into the house and everything got kind of crazy because she was old. The couple left.
So we called the airline to cancel the tickets and we had someone pretending to be an old Puerto Rican woman (I feel like it was THAT girl, but I don't see how that would make sense). We said "Someone made reservations. They might have called me "Nana" or "Mi Abueleo" or something, but we need to cancel the tickets" in a very thick accent like a very old lady. The woman on the other end said "You should know, we dont take reservations".
Things to note:
1. My mom appeared when I defended Audrey and was pleased with my verbal actions.
2. We didn't kick them out of the house. I felt it was akward and couldn't do it.
3. The girl looked very much like this girl that used to like Mike a long time ago.
4. In the end, we didn't know where the money went.
5. I didn't live in LA. Audrey's house was huge and beautiful and they were doing well, but not rich.
So bizarre and detailed.
Imagining you saying this line made me laugh out loud:
"I know you think Audrey is so sweet and likes to help people, but I like to hurt people".
I am baffled for words to comment and for understanding of this dream. I am usually a great dream analyzer but this is a tough one. I will call you tomorrow morning to discuss.
p.s i agree with "anonymous" on the above statement. It was total comic relief for me... " i like to hurt people".
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