I've never been to Camden at night,

It was a four hour stay in the emergency room -- and I might be under with my time here. It took forever, but thank God, I don't have a blood clot. I have been avoiding dealing with the pain in my right leg for a long time, mainly because it feels like a bruise. But whatever it is doesn't really matter. It's not a blood clot.
First of all, I thought the staff and people waiting would be mostly poor and black -- but they weren't. There was a good (and not tense) mix with both the patients and the staff and I felt like there wasn't the "I don't have to help you if I don't want and how dare you bother me and I will make you wait a few extra minutes because I can" attitude I've experienced in Jefferson. In fact, I expected the service to be like Jefferson, but it was so much better -- it was like we were in the suburbs. Everyone was so great, things moved (relatively) quickly, and we felt like we were being taken care of. Cooper University Hospital is WAY better than Jefferson and even may be better than Penn. Who would think I'd be a fan of a Camden hospital. But I really am.
I followed my OBGYN from Jefferson and in subsequent conversations have learned a lot about the OBGYN crisis in Philadelphia. Dr. Mama (actual name) is the BEST. I have never loved a doctor more than him. Another doctor from Jefferson followed Dr. Mama to Cooper, and they were telling me about how they just couldn't keep good OBGYN's in Philadelphia because of cost and demand. The OBGYNs that are still there seem to be underpaid and overworked.
Today, I have a sore throat, I'm extremely tired and am working on being not dehydrated (which i was last night and which can make you go into preterm labor because it dries up your uterus). Tonight I have class and Emmett has soccer.
Last note, I had to get wheeled around in a wheel chair while I was at Cooper last night. They force you to do it. Every opportunity possible I was getting out of the wheel chair, but they kept making me go back in. I felt like a proud old lady that could "do it herself".
I'm really glad it wasn't a blood clot.
and that's funny about the wheel chair.
When's that baby gonna get here, dangit?
You have so been to Camden at night! Remember the Ani DiFranco concert? When we spent every dime we had (literally) getting me out of jail so we could go the concert and then got lost coming back? At one point, I just yelled "Oh My God WE'RE IN NEW JERSEY!" and you said "No we're not, we're in Camden!" which, to this day, still cracks me up. Then, we didn't have enough money for the toll (even with all of the change in the car) and we asked if we could just "give them a little less than two dollars" and tried to hand over $1.56 in dirty, sandy pennies and then they made us go into the little office and fill out a voucher and promise to mail in the $2 toll. Once safely over the bridge to PA, we managed to get lost again, somewhere around Sesame Place, and were nerve-wrackingly running out of gas when we found, somehow, magically, a gas station that was both open and took credit cards (because that's how old we are, the time before every gas station took credit cards) and we filled her up and bought combos and cigarettes with what was left of my credit limit and made it back to Kutztown around 3am. Oh sweet life. You have so been to Camden at night. I'm glad it's not a blood clot.
okay. Jenn is dead right. And I did remember that and at first I started to change my post. But then I figured, does the Rutgers campus really count? You have an AMAZING memory...
I have a good memory for epic, truly hilarious nights. That was so one.
Elis: "Whatever you do when we meet Ani Di Franco, Jenn, just act cool, don't say anything lame."
[Ani DiFranco comes out.]
Jenn: " OhMyGod, Hi!! We're you're biggest fans."
Good ol' Camden, my work home for 10 years now.
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