Saturday, April 14, 2007

I burnt

my finger when i was making this major breakfast for Mike and Emmett this morning. I am so incredibly clumsy, I can't believe how many bruises I have. My left ankle has been hurt and swollen for about 2 weeks and I'm not dealing with it. I have a patch of red, swollen skin on my leg, that's agitated from scratching. I wish I had a perfect body.

Last night I went to bed early. In punishment, I woke up early. It seems my body has adjusted to this 6 hours of sleep per night, then afternoon nap schedule. It's impossible because by 10:30 I've been awake for at least 5 hours and then I'm exhausted.

Faith came over last night, which was awesome. I made dinner for our house, which was okay but a lot of work. I got a lot done yesterday and we have Naomi helping us with the administrative side of Living Wage. Our backyard fence is almost done. I promised Craig I'd go to Making Time tonight. I need to make cupcakes with Emmett, give him a bath, then watch he and his cousins at 12. It's 10:30 and I'm still in my pajamas.

Incidentally, everyone in this house wears plaid pajamas. When we're all in our pajamas together, we look like we live in a cabin, are on a Maxwell House commercial or are major dorks that try to match. This morning, both Wayne and Phil were wearing white shirts with their pajamas. This is so boring, I can't even believe I'm writing it.

I had an anxiety attack on Wednesday night, but unlike any other, it literally woke me up while I was sleeping. Mike rubbed my back for over an hour and oddly enough, it stopped at this point in the conversation:

e-"Mike, is anyone here?"
m-"no, just wayne is downstairs watching Lost".

I don't know why, but the second he ended that sentence, it was over.

I'm stressed out. i have lists all over the place. I feel overwhelmed with all that needs to happen for this business and the fact that i'm pregnant (so there it is) is making me feel unable to do what I need to do. (Constantly tired, can't bend over the same way, hate what's happening to my figure etc.)

I'll end it there since I just released major news in a minor way.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Mrs.Jim Halpert said...

I think the two of us need to get together and do something incredibly gluttenous like drink $17 lattes and then go shoe shopping!

I miss you!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger FH said...

Only you can deliver such exciting news in such a casual way. Congratulations Momma. You and Emily Sowell can let your little ones play together. :)

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Mrs.Jim Halpert said...

Something in my subconcious, or maybe in my ovaries, forced me to read the last few lines of this post and not comprehend it. Oh my god - you're knocked up! That's pretty awesome, because you and mike sure do make pretty babies! Congrats, Elis!


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