Hunting and cookies.

Today we're going to an Easter Egg Hunt up the street. I made two mistakes. First, I agreed to make cookies. Then, I decided to make "real" cookies for a fun experience with Emmett. Well, this was a lot more trouble than it was worth. I don't even think I did it right. I'm going to bring extremely floury cookies to this event. I'm sure the kids will think they taste disgusting. I did the flyer (pictured). I'm not extremely proud of it, but it looks much better than it did before.
Tomorrow, we're going to the Aquarium for free. We went before with Emmett's cousin and his parents and I complained and asked for free re-entry. They agreed, and I have 4 adult tickets and 2 kids tickets. Luckily, Nate will be here so we'll all go and bring Phil as the extra.
Things are sort of calming down. I don't know if that urgent situation is as urgent as it was presented to me. As my dad said, you have to just trust God. So that's what I'm trying to do. The house yesterday was awesome, but the amount of work it needed was insane.
Every day, I (literally) search for fair trade clothing news by rss feed. It takes a long time, but I do it diligently. I've started a "fun fair trade blog" featuring the highlights (most interesting or important parts) of my findings.
It's pretty easy to read (headline-driven) and short. I tried to create something that requires very little commitment.
If you want to check it out, it's on my myspace fair trade site.
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