Strange dream (circa 2002)

The interior office walls were glass, covered by venetian blinds, and the room was well-lit by sun light. I was peering through the cracks in the venetian blinds, and no one could see me.
The meeting was typical, with corporate nicities sludged with a get-down-to-business attitude. It was formal, sort of like a board meeting, and the topic was whether or not to continue going after one of the people they'd been courting.
I realized quickly that these were not actually men, but they were demons, discussing whether or not one human was worth trying to win over. I felt like I somehow got somewhere I wasn't supposed to be and was watching something I shouldn't be watching.
The three men on the right side of the table were arguing that it was worth the effort and that they should continue. The three on the left felt it was a lost cause and wanted to abandon the project. The odd thing was, there was nothing scary or unfamiliar about the way they were meeting and talking. It was all very calm and professional, like they were negotiating budget spendings for the following year. In some strange way, they were so familiar, they were not completely unlikable. It seemed like this was simply their job.
Two of them became dominant in the discussion. The one on the right kept arguing for the person, saying that it was worth the work they'd put in, that they'd seen progress and that it was worth continuing. The one on the left was adamantly opposed, saying it was hopeless and a waste of their time and that they needed to move on. It became a debate between the two that lasted about 10 minutes.
After a pause in the conversation, the man on the left, the one opposed to continuing, said something to the man on the right that has left me chilled ever since. He said:
"It's not worth continuing with this and I can prove it. She's outside of this office looking through the window right now."
wow. Interesting how the climate of the dream was relaxed and non threatening but the waking feeling is eerie and creepy...
There's something sort of familiar to me about this dream. I feel like I've had one w/ diff. circumstances but the same idea of spying and getting caught by someone who knew all along.
I guess it's a variation on the dreams people have about being exposed (like walking down the street and you realize you have no pants) jj
My reaction:
"Whoah!" out loud.
That was one freaky dream.
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