I think the thing I really dislike

about getting older is losing energy. I get tired so much more easily than I used to. I always hoped I had my father's genes (excessive energy that lasts for life) but I'm starting to think I have my mother's.
I fell asleep while a friend was over last night. Literally, on the couch, while there was a conversation happening. I've been up for an hour and a half and feel like I could go back to sleep for the day.
Emmett is getting so big I can't believe it. He informed me this morning that he had to go poopy, just in case I was wondering. Now, he's trying to negotiate that Mike change his shirt, not his pants. He's saying "How about you just change my shirt. Not my pants." This is following the ever enthusastic "Mommy! What are we doing today!!!".
Next week, he starts pre-school. I'm trying not to feel sad about this or monumentalize it like it's a big change in our relationship/Emmett's growth etc. But I guess it really is. In some ways, I feel a little guilty about it. But the truth is, he wants to go and I think he's ready. Mike and I are not able to devote as much time as we need to to this business (or at least I'm not) and we have a short deadline of August and a gigantic deadline (where a million things need to be done) of October. Incidentally, if anyone wants to help (it's volunteer at this point) let me know. I have a million things I have to do in terms of research -- but it has to be thorough.
Here are some quick things that are happening and going through my mind. Here is proof of ADD. I will just sit here for the next 5 minutes and write down anything that comes to my head:
1. I need to write thank you cards.
2. Emmett is a remarkably well-behaved child.
3. Coffee makes me hungry, but not want to eat.
4. Lost is getting better.
5. I really don't like talking on cell phones. I think they're going to find out it causes cancer.
6. I don't like almond flavoring.
7. I can't decide if we should paint all the wood trim in this house. I'm not sure if the mission thing is working in here.
8. I painted a door yesterday and I'm not sure about the ramifications of this action.
9. Emmett wants to crack the Easter Eggs we dyed.
10. I can't believe how boring this is.
11. Does anyone want an unworn American Apparel bra top that's very small? It's brand new. I got it free at a show.
12. I wish I had 3 weeks with nothing to do so I could do all my ebaying. I can't throw things away. I always think of the resale value.
13. I found a pair of sneakers I'm in love with, but they don't make them in the U.S.
14. It's amazing how different I feel when I'm showered and dressed.
15. I'm typing this in an email because our Internet wasn't working.
16. I take Mike's computer ability for grantide. I expect the best technology at all times.
17. Only certain parts of my body are cold right now.
18. I like the way "crow's feet" wrinkles look on certain people like Mike.
19. Phil gave me chocolate yesterday. I get commercials where mother's are telling their children some kind of treat is "Just for the mom". Emmett wants to eat this candy with me and I don't want to share.
20. I wish I had a staff of people to help me do every idea I think of.
Our meeting with Megan was amazing. We're gearing up for an intense amount of work over the next 2 months. I have a few subsiderary projects I have to figure out. Also, we're getting a fence in the backyard and even with the pieces lying around, it feels so different.
this post is so satisfying.
Here's my responses to your list. (This is totally self-indulgent on my part).
1. I need to write thank you cards.
I need to pay over due bills.
2. Emmett is a remarkably well-behaved child.
I can just see you sitting there thinking of the thing to type and watching Emmett and thinking how good he is. I have no idea if that is how that really happened.
3. Coffee makes me hungry, but not want to eat.
4. Lost is getting better.
While I was sick this week, I read a lot about Lost and thought maybe one of the theories I read about it being the Garden of Eden might be right without ever having seen the show.
5. I really don't like talking on cell phones. I think they're going to find out it causes cancer.
6. I don't like almond flavoring.
Were you eating an almond flavored cookie at this point?
7. I can't decide if we should paint all the wood trim in this house. I'm not sure if the mission thing is working in here.
I thought at first you were referring to your house as "mission"..like, a shelter.
8. I painted a door yesterday and I'm not sure about the ramifications of this action.
What color is it?
9. Emmett wants to crack the Easter Eggs we dyed.
10. I can't believe how boring this is.
To you maybe.
11. Does anyone want an unworn American Apparel bra top that's very small? It's brand new. I got it free at a show.
D here.
12. I wish I had 3 weeks with nothing to do so I could do all my ebaying. I can't throw things away. I always think of the resale value.
I do too, but then I just donate it and think of the money Circle Thrift can make from it. It helps me out and helps them out.
13. I found a pair of sneakers I'm in love with, but they don't make them in the U.S.
Can't you just order them online? I recently ordered some used Borns and Docs off Ebay.
14. It's amazing how different I feel when I'm showered and dressed.
I'm thinking I need a shower because I smell like onions I ate on Tuesday.
15. I'm typing this in an email because our Internet wasn't working.
No response actually.
16. I take Mike's computer ability for grantide. I expect the best technology at all times.
I know the feeling.
17. Only certain parts of my body are cold right now.
My hands are always cold.
18. I like the way "crow's feet" wrinkles look on certain people like Mike.
I know what you mean.
19. Phil gave me chocolate yesterday. I get commercials where mother's are telling their children some kind of treat is "Just for the mom". Emmett wants to eat this candy with me and I don't want to share.
I would share to eat less calories.
20. I wish I had a staff of people to help me do every idea I think of.
You could be like Martha Stewart.
Now I feel horrible for eating that chocolate last night!
and I agree on the cell phones, but I used them anyway b/c I'm too cheap to also have a landline.
I want the bra!
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