Random Thoughts.

1. We got new carpets upstairs yesterday and today they're coming to finish the job.
2. Mike took another day off of work because I asked him to.
3. I have to buy Nestle Quick for Emmett's school today.
4. I'm having contractions but ignoring them because today is not a good day for the baby to come.
5. I can't believe I'm admitting to number 4, but I really don't believe this is the day for the baby.
6. The upstairs of our house looks so much better with the new carpets, I can hardly believe it.
7. When I think about a healthy, problem-free baby, I feel excited to give birth. When I think about our baby being unhealthy or having problems, I do not feel excited and feel depressed.
8. I have eaten a lot of meat during this pregnancy, hoping it will help make the baby stronger.
9. Last night at my class, I told the teacher that I might not be there next week because I might have the baby, but I would try to come in anyway since he was so hardcore about us missing class. It was slightly funny, but I was kind of serious.
10. I have something to prove with having this baby. That A) I will lose the weight fast and that B) I will not take a long time to adjust and will continue doing things that I've been doing so I don't go into depression again.
11. I can't wait to be able to roll around with Emmett on the floor again.
12. The carpet installer told me that a great vacuum is this Dirt Devil Breeze Bagless that is sitting in my living room. That he's tried them all. This is something I definitely want to get and am writing it here so I don't forget.
13. It is extremely frustrating not to be able to move quickly.
14. This pregnancy was better than the one with Emmett in terms of depression.
15. I am amazed by my friends and how loyal and loving they are. In the course of one day, Shelley gave me a hug, Chris asked me for advice and then took it and told me I was a genius, Phil picked up my notebook when I dropped it and waited with me after class, Jessica picked me up from class and drove me home.
16. I am now 170 lbs, but still look better than I did with Emmett and gained less weight.
17. The doctor told me it could be today that I have the baby...or next week. Nothing would surprise him.
18. Seph wants me to go to his warehouse show on Saturday and sit behind an office window and hand things out. It feels like a repeat of 3 years ago during Halloween with me, extremely pregnant, greeting people at the front door and them thinking I was in costume -- slightly confused.
19. Emmett has these "slim fit" jeans that when, combined with his messy hair, really make him look extremely hip.
20. Mike is the best husband ever and for once I feel more content than I have in a long time. He is literally taking care of me during this pregnancy. He's given me my vitamin every night. He's gone out in the middle of the night to get me Peptobismal. He listens to every weird detail. BUT, today when the doctor was "checking me out", Mike couldn't look and just sort of slipped to the side and looked at my face. I wonder if he'll watch when the baby comes out. He and I are alike in this way. We don't really think this whole thing is "beautiful" to watch. It's just the way it happens, but we can't force ourselves to call it beautiful or want it on video.
21. We finished this year's festival magazine and it turned out really well.
22. I got scammed by a lo-priced upholstery cleaner. Here's my post: http://philadelphia.citysearch.com/review/44692950
23. I want to go to Babies R Us like I've never wanted to before.
24. Ana basically cleaned out and organized the baby's room
25. I'm starting to like our house and am having ideas.
Sounds like you're pretty content with your life now. Yay!
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