So many things are happening at once
and how many times will my blog read this? I'm sure I have this headline.

Living Room Clothing: Our Photo Shoot is this weekend. We have that all figured out, but the problem is our tagline "Do Good Things" is taken. I have to think of a new tagline. If anyone has any variations on this (that mean the same thing and are still simple and close in language, please please help!) We're meeting with Carina Romano this weekend under a bridge. We have a bunch of models -- some that she's bringing, some that we're bringing. They are going to model and she's going to use our shot list and add her own environment shots to it. We have to bring a lot of our own stuff, including Living Room Furniture.
Work:I have 7 projects due this week. I have three clients. Dre Xel, C om cast, and Tri-L iving Well. All three of them are active. Of course, I like Co Mcast the best, becuase the work is the most fun and the company is successful. I went into the new building for a meeting yesterday. It is pretty amazing in there.
Camps and Pre-school: Emmett is now in skateboarding. He starts Ana's art camp next week. The following week he's in The Franklin Institute Camp. After that, he's in an art school on SAturdays. Mike thinks I'm crazy. I think Emmett needs this kind of stiumulation. Next year, I have to figure out pre-school for him. There is a French pre-school and I'm thinking of sending him there. I love the one he's been going to, but I'm afraid he's too old for it. All his other friends are going to kindergarten.
St. George T-shirt: Mike finished a design for their shirts this morning so this burden is off. I thought I would have to do it.
T-shirt Orders: There's a lady who called to order t-shirts. She just happens to be the daughter of the person we'd like to give us a loan. (she found us independently).

Doing well by doing good?
The world is good?
I'll think
wear good things
wear your (something)
I love that Craig looks like a Miami Vice extra in this photo. I'm still way smarter than him, though.
Ready to meet when you are. j
"make good things happen"
"good clothes for do-gooders"
"good clothes for good people"
"good clothes for good people doing good things goodly"
Concrete proof I'm not a copyeriter :) cdb
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