Monday, October 22, 2007

And this is why my husband is so great.

Email from a few minutes ago.

...I went to the holes in our room to get down the air mattress to put in an under the bed box and they don't seem to fit underneath. I can't physically push it under. Also, there are just these hangers that you've discarded on the floor that I have to force into the baby's room because I don't know what it is. The returns..I'm not sure. They've been hanging there for more than a week with no plans to ever go back.

Mike, I need you to help me live here. I can't have it be that I am here
all day unable to physically lift and carry (although I have started to move things because I feel I have to-- I.E. The humidifier, A laundry basket of various things. In a minute, all the shoes piled at the door that I keep mentioning to you). Nothing seems to be at completion.



I know things aren't finished. I will run around tonight and tie up all
the quick items. There is still a lot to do, and I am not done.

A list is a great idea. Sometimes I feel that I can't start a big project
and forget that there are little things to do. You can expect some things
to get done tonight. I feel good and refreshed today. Yesterday was a
recovery day.




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