The importance of a domineering

man for me is incredibly high. It's because I'm domineering and I never want to be one of those Harriet/Nells relationships. So this is something Mike and I are working on. Me being less dominating and him being more. But I don't know how to make strength go away. I don't really know how to make myself become less decisive and less opinionated. I always have a strong feeling about things and I don't know how to not have that reflected in my reactions. Mike rarely feels anything strongly. This is a really difficult thing.
Having said that, this kind of relationship enables me total freedom. I never feel cramped by Mike with regard to friendships with guys -- going out -- involving myself in projects etc. etc. But at the same time, I often feel not taken care of. I feel alone and on my own in this marriage, which in a lot of ways is something I need. Still, there's this desire to have someone contain me slightly. I don't know how this can possibly work in a marriage. I view Mike as a captor sometimes, even though he allows me total freedom. Yet in that freedom, it takes a lot for me to control the wild nature of my personality, so I view Mike as negligent in his caring for me. He can't win.
I always related to the film "Taming of the Shrew" and felt that was what would happen to me. But I didn't marry someone like that and it didn't happen that way. Instead, the modifications I've made have more to do with my child and having to be more mature than I actually feel.
I'm just rambling on. Things are not terrible in my marriage right now, but we did have a few problems on the trip. And I still wonder what would have happened if I married a more controlling type of guy. I wish I could just be happy with SOMETHING besides my son.
There was not a good feature or a pleasant expression among them all. During the time that I am unfolding the thoughts at the back of the dream I feel intense and well-grounded emotions. I am cheerful and in a confidential mood, and as I pass a troop of young officers I think to myself: None of you can have any designs upon me. Now what can be the meaning of the patient's wishing to be born at her summer resort? I asked the dreamer this, and she answered without hesitation: Hasn't the treatment made me as though I were born again? Thus the dream becomes an invitation to continue the cure at this summer resort, that is, to visit her there; perhaps it also contains a very bashful allusion to the wish to become a mother herself.. I gave my foot a slight wrench, and turned the least bit faint for a moment. The very tone in which Prue had spoken convinced me that he might.. In order to be in a position successfully to change the outer world through the motility, there is required the accumulation of a large sum of experiences in the memory systems as well as a manifold fixation of the relations which are evoked in this memory material by different end-presentations.. Condensation, and especially displacement, are never-failing features in these other processes.. The dreamer had entered his father's business, and had taken a terrible dislike to the questionable practices upon which profit mainly depends.. Governor Gorges had always been very kind to us; and when he gave his great annual party to the town, asked us.. The analysis of obscure and intricate dreams discloses something very similar; the dream scene again pictures as realized some desire which regularly proceeds from the dream ideas, but the picture is unrecognizable, and is only cleared up in the analysis.. He states: Is there a symbol which (if in any way permitted by the phantasy) may not be used simultaneously in the masculine and the feminine sense! To be sure the clause in parentheses takes away much of the absoluteness of this assertion, for this is not at all permitted by the phantasy.. The next day she brought me a dream to the effect that she was traveling with her mother-in-law to their common summer resort.. To turn back and search for the lost paper would have been worse than useless.. It--it was five years ago, said Mr.. Won't you 'light, Master? said Mr.. Jumping on a dead level was his strong suit, you understand; and when it come to that, Smiley would ante up money on him as long as he had a red.. Servants traipsed through the darkened yard, going home for Sunday night.. We cannot therefore doubt that these thoughts originate from our normal mental life.. The manifold analogies of dream life with the most diverse conditions of psychical disease in the waking state have been rightly insisted upon by a number of medical observers...
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