I guess the whole sleeping thing is ending.
I had really weird dreams last night. Something about an English guy, us -- living in England, a house, and sci-fi. Unlike other dreams, I can directly connect this to the movie "Arthur" we watched with Emmett last night. He got it at a bike race we took him to on Bastille Day in the Art Museum area. Last night, Mike took off the side of his crib so he has a big boy bed now. (He climbs out everyday. In fact, one day he gave me a demonstration of how he does it, and I videotaped it). Last night, when the bar was gone, Emmett told me he wanted the barwall back up because he was a little afraid of falling out of the bed. So we lined pillows on the floor just in case he fell out (which he hasn't). He also gave up his pacifier a month ago. I made him play the "why I like you game" yesterday. I would say "I like you Emmett because you're funny" and then he said "I like you Mommy because you're funny". It went on and on with him repeating the same things to me. Here are the things I said to him. I like you Emmett because...you're funny, you're smart, you're giving to others, you're cute. (then the game ended)
Also, I got these antique party invitations at a flea market. Most of them are cutesy with little girls on them. But one of them has this extremely cute little painting of a 60's style puppy holding flowers in it's mouth with script that says "You're Invited". When Emmett saw them, he told me he wanted them as the invitations for his birthday because he loves doggies so much. He hugged the invitations and said "I love them". (see invitations above)
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