I just have a few more minutes

of my morning Internet routine. Emmett has a few "engagements" this morning. he has more friends than I ever did growing up. Yesterday, he played with Shu for awhile and was supposed to play with Nate and also Chloe. But we both fell asleep for hours and Mike canceled them for us. Today, he's playing with Zack then Chloe then Owen.
Last night, Mike went to this women's wrestling thing with Phil and Seph and I decided that I would take Emmett out for a special night. We went to Johnny Rockets and colored. He wore the hat and got two red balloons. Then we rented the Land Before Time 13. Can you believe it? I asked if they had the original movie and they said no.
Things are just getting better all around and I feel like we're getting on top of all of this. I'm much happier with Mike and my life lately and my family is beginning to come first -- and it's enjoyable for me. I guess I just go in phases. Emmett is adorable and is in this "I love Mommy" stage which I wish would never end. Our business is on haiatus until we get samples, but everything is coming and we still get inquiries. I started going to Circle again and think I will continue. I also need to start going to St. George again somehow. A big part of me believes in the Orthodox faith. I am going to baptize this baby orthodox again.
Summer is wonderful. I don't want it to end. It makes me think of LA. It makes me think of NY. I'm so bored with Philadlephia, aside from the people. BUT, for Emmett's sake, this is the right place for us. Maybe when Mike and I are old, we'll get a tiny little apartment in New York city. That's what I've always wanted to do anyway.
Jessica asked me about the transition with Wayne and Phil moving out, and surprisingly it hasn't been as hard as I thought. I think it's in part because they live so close and I talk to Phil everyday. I don't talk to Wayne as much, but he's busy with his kid this summer. Phil is the one that was always here and the one I thought would be hardest to adjust to life without. But so far, everything is okay. This isn't to say I don't want to live in a gigantic commune someday, because I still do. But a commune meaning a community of people doing neat things. That's what I'm into.
Other things running through my mind are...is there a hair on my back that's making my shoulder blade itch? Emmett sure is sleeping a long time. The mean lady on our block is being really nice to me. I wonder how much weight I've gained outside of my belly. I can't wait until Mike and I are in business. I wonder how Jessica's trash initiative is going. I'm excited about the BBQ on Thursday. I wonder when Emmett will wake up.
You sound so happy. That makes me happy.
Trash is going good; we have a slogan I'm excited about. I'll update you next time we talk.
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