Emmett is at my parents house. About 10 minutes ago, he called and said "Mommy, I want to come home" and I said no problem and tried to make it as simple and as easy as possible. Having said this, I'm sick. Very sick. I've been sleeping and shivering all day adn Mike has been taking care of me. And as happy as I've been to have Emmett not in my "den of sickness", there's something in me that just wants everyone home.
When I was little, I remember one time, being at my grandmother's house, a place I loved going, and suddenly missing my parents and wanting to go home. There was a desperation I felt. I needed to go home. And right now I'm wondering if Emmett feels that way. And if he does, I feel like we're doing something right.
I used to go home in the middle of the night when I would try to sleep over at a friend's house. Fortunately, she just lived right across the street. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I'll bring you some beads.
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