I just spent

The baby was due yesterday. I have a doctor's appointment today at 1. I think this baby is late.
Emmett is the cutest and smartest kid ever. I realized yesterday that he's popular. It's easy to identify if your kid is not popular, but it takes awhile to realize that he is popular. Additionally, he's so smart. He has been learning to write his name (I've been teaching him) and this is so much fun. He loves reading and is always "confirming facts" like "Mommy, those flowers will now grow new flowers, right"? (about flowers in a vase. Or "Mommy, when God made the flood, he did it on purpose, so it was okay right"? (that one is a little harder to explain) or "If a kid does something bad and gets a spanking and says he's sorry, then it's okay, right" (We don't spank him...I'm not sure how he knows about that).
I officially state here that Law & Order SVU is the best of them. The other one has the very strange guy on it, and I'm not sure if his mannerisms are working. The female co-part is just worthless.
On Saturday night I dropped off some CD's to my friend's warehouse show and people (mostly punkrock and younger without children) did not know what to make of me. Whenever I walked through the room, they parted like the red sea. I was behind a sound system I didn't know how to work and left early. I was having a good time and the music was okay, but I wanted to leave before Igot exhausted.
The baby's foot is pushing right at the top of my stomach, and it hurts. Tonight is my class (the one I take with Phil) and it has to be the last one before I have this baby. Doesn't it? Emmett was two weeks early. What is going on here. I'm not even packed for the hospital, so maybe it's okay.
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