Thursday, June 03, 2004

June Cleaver in the flesh.

So I am.

Here's how it happened one day that I turned into June Cleaver, superwoman.

I knew Mike's father and his aunt Mimi were coming over today. No problem. I would just get up, clean up, write my newsletter, go to the gym and finish cleaning when I got home...all while feeding and entertaining Emmett. I had it down to a science. Woke up at 8:30...Hang with Emmett until into gym clothes...wrote the newsletter...and ready to go to the gym by 11:45. Instead, I cleaned for awhile and left for the gym at 1:00, figuring I'd be back by 2:30. Perfect. A half hour hour left to clean and I'd be ready by 4:00, their scheduled arrival.

But there was a "snafu" in the plans. At 2:30 I get a message from Mike that his father said it was "up to us" if we would go out and eat or if we would stay in and eat. Translation: "I am not going to invite myself to dinner." Extended Translation: We need to make dinner.

After getting mad at Mike for not asking his dad sooner, I went into highly effective panic mode. I cleaned the entire house and figured out an impromptu dinner (burritos with chicken, rice and ground beef) in 1 1/2 hour. It was insane. Of course, Ana to the rescue. She took Emmett until 4 so I had time to do it all.

When they arrived, I was showered, the house was sparkling and I was getting dinner ready. I am so Cleaver, it's not even funny.

Now, for the kicker. Last night at 3AM, Emmett woke up like he was HIGH ON CAFFINE. All he wanted to dowas to play and kick me and laugh at me. I was up for hours with him...there was NO WAY he was going back to sleep. So even more Cleaver, I was exhausted and I pulled off this meal and this hostessing that I could not believe.

I feel bad about something though. All Emmett wants is my attention and this week I feel like I didn't give him enough. I only played with him one day this week (formally) and the rest of the time I've been shuttling him around and trying to get things done. I declared to him tonight (as he was hugging me) that "tommorrow will be Emmett and Mommy day". I whispered that we would have a fun time tomorrow and would do fun things all day.


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